43. Final Video Clip
- Husband's Eyes to 4 Little Chords
44. Final Video Clip
- Take
45. Final Video Clip
- Someday to the End
Reviews Adamazon.com This CD is a complement to the site Palaur.com.
Without going through that story, many of the things you'll hear won't
make much sense. However after you've experienced the story, hearing just
a few chords of the songs will bring back memories of what has to be the
most detailed account of a love affair ever recorded. Taking place over
a period of 9 1/2 weeks in early 1998, Adam gave his entire nervous system
trying to show someone there was a better existence if they believed.
What followed was incredibly touching songs in their rawest form including
the very first time Adam ever played "Sleep, Baby Sleep" recorded
live on his camcorder. If you've been through the
site, this is an absolute must-own.