- 11:15 PM - 6:30 AM, Friday -
Saturday, November 10th - 11th, 1995:
- One of my best shows ever. I
explained the entire Jordan adventure for the first 35
minutes. It was great, I had people calling saying
that was one of the most heartwarming stories they've
ever heard on 610. It was wonderful. After that, talk
kind of rolled. I played my song I'll Walk Away for
one of the listeners. It was risky, but so rare, I
don't think I'll get in trouble. Had Sean the
overnight secruity guard call and say he liked my
tape. He got it at the library. It was just a nice
night. I'm going in early on Saturday to redo some
songs. God, that still kills me. BWF #40
- 10:30 PM - 7:00 AM, Saturday
- Sunday, November 11th - 12th, 1995:
- Goddamn were there some dicks
out tonight. These kids called up for two hours and
ruined the show. I got all of their cussing off, but
they just kept calling, and I couldn't tell if it was
them or not, and kept bringing them on. I NEED A
PRODUCER. One time I knew they were gonna say "nigger"
since they had 10 times previous, and I let them say
it, hang up, and then let the dial tone go over the
air for 10 seconds. I wanted everyone to know what
kind of idiots they were. Then they called off the
air, and didn't know that I had picked up. So I
recorded them talking. Stupid stuff like: "Let's do
this until 2:30...OK, what time do you have to be
home...9:00..." Then I played it back over the air,
just making fun of them. It was one of my finer
moments, and people thought it was funny. Then someone
from Ohio Bell called up and said she was tracing
their calls. They called for another hour, and she
never called me back! So I tried *69 again...and it
worked. I
got the whole conversation on
tape. Told the kid I had
his number, and he never called back again. It was
great. I played it over the air throughout the night.
Extremely proud of myself. I just ended up playing
music for the last half hour. Then while I was running
perspective, Anthony Green called me up. I haven't
heard him since the summer. He said it was 'cause he
didn't like the show. He said Coffee Talk drove him
nuts, since it was always the same people, so he quit
listening. Shit. My coolest thing was driving people
away. Oh well. I do need to find a way of keeping
people off. Christ, Prof. John called like 10 times
tonight. Jesus. If I had a producer maybe this
wouldn't happen. Well I'll have one for the week that
Canon's gone. Thank god. Got BWF #40,
- 12:30 AM - 2:00 AM, Monday,
November 13th, 1995:
- Produced Cannon. Drove me crazy
'cause I was editing my Jordan video all day. It's