- 10:45 PM - 6:15 AM, Friday -
Saturday, October 6th - 7th, 1995:
- Well, OJ was found not guilty
on Tuesday...and I was found up to my neck in debate
all night long. The best show, the most challenging
show, and in many ways the hardest show I've ever
done. I opened with "Not
Guilty" by the
Beatles which has to be illegal. The song was never
released and I have an illegal bootleg but
I figured what the hell. All OJ, and race related
for 6 hours. I actually started at about 12:25 because
of the Reds, but I had an extra half hour hangin'
around from this summer, and that makes up for it as
far as my stats are concerned. I did barely get my BWF
#29. And get this... no CT! There were probably 70
calls tonight. The race thing is 10 times worse than I
ever thought it could be. I won't get into that, but
it was a trying night. There were also so many
compliments. I feel lucky, and somewhat emotional
right now towards how lucky I am. I did very well
upholding peace and non-racist views, which I didn't
know was in the job description, but a good job
nonetheless. I was going to tape this, but it's almost
getting hard to tape, because listening to them again
makes me relive how hard it was. Bob Conners talked
about one of my callers that gets on his show and goes
off as well. It was the first time Bob talked to me as
a co-worker. It was amazing. He was nice and showed an
effort to bring something up that wasn't necessary.
Maybe he's not as bad as I thought. Oh, I'm giving my
age away tomorrow. It's my birthday on Monday, and I'm
going to have people guess my age. It's a fun way to
get it out in the open the way I want to. I hope the
people that truly know won't call in. I feel my first
Sunday morning no-hitter coming up. I hope I'm
- 10:45 AM - 7:00 AM, Saturday
- Sunday, October 7th - 8th, 1995:
- Well I truly have done the
impossible. A no-hitter weekend. I relied on CT, but
who cares. Got BWF #30 rather easily. Had the poll of
my age. Anywhere from 25-33. There were only a couple
guesses because talk was so heated. I never said over
the air though. It didn't seem worth it. I don't know
why I was so gung-ho before. I truly wonder now what's
next. Now of course I'll do talk every night, whether
I make it who knows. OJ was rampant once again and got
old around 2-3:30, but then seemed to pick up. I still
can't believe I did a Sunday morning no-hitter. You
know, I really don't want to produce tonight and spend
my first hours as a 20-year-old listening to Cannon.
But I do need the money. Figured out how to do
Perspective and it should be fine from now on. Ok, I'm
dead tired.