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- A
Abbott, Bud
Abbott, Bud MP
Abbott, Bud TV
Abdul, Paula Rec
Ackerman, Harry TV
Acord, Art MP
Acuff, Roy Rec
Adoree, Renee MP
Aherene, Brian TV
Ahn, Philip MP
Alabama Rec
Albanese, Licia Rec
Albert, Eddie TV
Albertson, Frank MP
Albertson, Jack TV
Aldrin, Edwin (Buzz) TV
Alexander, Ben TV
Allen, Debbie TV
Allen, Fred Radio
Allen, Fred TV
Allen, Gracie TV
Allen, Rex MP
Allen, Steve TV
Allen, Steve Radio
Alley, Kirstie MP
Allison, Fran TV
Allyson, June MP
Alpert, Herb Rec
Alvarado, Don MP
Ameche, Don TV
Ameche, Don Radio
Ames, Adrienne MP
Amsterdam, Morey Radio
Anderson, Bronco MP
Anderson, Leroy Rec
Anderson, Mary MP
Anderson, Mirian Rec
Andrews, Julie MP
Andrews Sisters Rec
Angel, Heather MP
Anka, Paul Rec
Ansara, Michael TV
Anthony, Ray Rec
Arbuckle, Roscoe MP
Archerd, Army TV
Arden, Eve TV
Arden, Eve Radio
Arlen, Richard MP
Arkoff, Samuel Z MP
Arliss, George MP -/
Armstrong, Louis Rec
Armstrong, Neil TV
Arnaz, Desi MP -/
Arnaz, Desi TV
Arness, James TV
Arnold, Eddy Radio
Arnold, Edward Rec
Arquette, Cliff Radio
Arthur, Jean MP
Arzner, Dorothy MP
Asner, Edward TV
Asther, Nils MP
Astaire, Fred MP
Astor, Mary MP
Austin, Gene Rec
Autry, Gene MP
Autry, Gene Radio
Autry, Gene Rec
Autry, Gene TV
Autry, Gene LT
Ayers, Agnes MP
Ayres, Lew MP
Ayres, Lew Radio
to Quick
Bacall, Lauren MP
Backus, Jim TV
Bacon, Lloyd MP
Baggot, King MP
Bailey, Jack Radio
Bailey, Jack TV
Bailey, Pearl Rec
Bainter, Fay MP
Baker, Anita Rec
Baker, Art Radio
Baker, Carroll MP
Baker, Kenny Radio
Baker, Phil Radio
Ball, Lucille MP
Ball, Lucille TV
Bancroft, Anne TV
Bankhead, Tallulah MP
Banky, Vilma MP
Bara, Theda MP
Bari, Lynn MP
Bari, Lynn TV
Barker, Bob TV
Barnes, Binnie MP
Barrie, Mona MP
Barrie, Wendy MP
Barriscale, Bessie MP
Barron, Blue Rec
Barry, Gene LT
Barrymore, Ethel MP
Barrymore, John MP
Barrymore, John D TV
Barrymore, Lionel MP
Barrymore, Lionel Radio
Barthelmess, Richard MP
Bartholomew, Freddie MP
Barty, Billy TV
Basehart, Richard MP
Basie, Count Rec
Basinger, Kim MP
Basquette, Lina MP
Baxter, Ann MP
Baxter, Dr Frank C TV
Baxter, Les Rec
Baxter, Warner MP
Bayne, Beverly MP
Beach Boys, The Rec
Beatles, The Rec
Beaudine, William MP
Bee Gees Rec
Beery, Noah Jr TV
Beery, Wallace MP
Beirne, Brian Radio
Belafonte, Harry Rec
Bellamy, Madge MP
Bellamy, Ralph TV
Benaderet, Bea TV
Benchley, Robert MP
Bendix, William Radio
Bendix, William TV
Beneke, Tex Rec
Bennett, Belle MP
Bennett, Constance MP
Bennett, Joan MP
Bennett, Tony Rec
Benny, Jack MP
Benny, Jack Radio
Benny, Jack TV
Benson, George Rec
Beradino, John TV
Bergen, Edgar TV
Bergen, Edgar MP
Bergen, Edgar Radio
Bergman, Ingrid MP
Berle, Milton Radio
Berle, Milton TV
Berlin, Irving Rec
Bernardi, Ernani Rec
Bernhardt, Sarah MP
Bernie, Ben Radio
Bernstein, Elmer MP
Bernstein, Leonard Rec
Berry, Chuck Rec N
Best, Edna MP
Bickford, Charles TV
Bickford, Charles MP
Big Bird TV
Biggs, E Powers Rec
Binney, Constance MP
Black, Clint Rec
Blackmer, Sidney MP
Blackwell, Carlyle MP
Blanc, Mel Radio
Blondell, Joan MP
Blue, Monte MP
Blyth, Ann MP
Blythe, Betty MP
Boardman, Eleanor MP
Bogart, Humphrey MP
Boland, Mary MP
Boles, John MP
Boleslawski, Richard MP
Bolger, Ray MP
Bolger, Ray TV
Bolton Michael Rec
Bond, Ford Radio
Bond, Ward TV
Bondi, Beulah MP
Boone, Pat Rec
Boone, Pat TV
Booth, Shirley MP
Borden, Olive MP
Borgnine, Ernest MP
Borzage, Frank MP
Bosworth, Hobart MP
Bow, Clara MP
Bowers, John MP
Bowers, Major Radio
Bowie, David Rec
Boyd, Bill Radio
Boyd, Jimmy Rec
Boyd, William MP
Boyer, Charles MP
Boyer, Charles TV
Bracken, Eddie TV
Bracken, Eddie Radio
Bradbury, Ray MP
Bradley, Ed M Mayor
Bradshaw, Terry TV
Brady, Alice MP
Brando, Marlon MP
Breneman, Tom Radio
Brennan, Walter MP
Brent, Evelyn MP
Brent, George MP
Brent, George TV
Brewer, Teresa Rec
Brian, David TV
Brian, Mary MP
Brice, Fanny MP
Brice, Fanny Radio
Bridges Beau MP
Bridges, Jeff MP
Bridges, Lloyd TV
Briem, Ray Radio
Britt, Elton Rec
Britton, Barbara TV
Broccoli, Cubby MP
Brolin, James TV
Bronson, Charles MP
Brooke, Hillary TV
Brooks, Garth Rec
Brooks, Richard MP
Brosnan, Pierce MP
Brown, Cecil Radio
Brown, Clarence MP
Brown, Harry Joe MP
Brown, James Rec
Brown, Joe E MP
Brown, Johnny Mack MP
Brown, Les Rec
Brown, Tom MP
Brown, Vanessa MP
Brown, Vanessa TV
Browning, Tod MP
Brubeck, Dave Rec
Brynner, Yul MP
Bunny, Bugs MP
Bunny, John MP
Burke, Billie MP
Burke, Sonny Rec
Burnett, Carol TV
Burnette, Smiley MP
Burns, Bob MP
Burns, Bob Radio
Burns, George LT
Burns, George MP
Burns, George TV
Burr, Raymond TV
Burrud, Bill TV
Burton, Levar TV
Busch, Mae MP
Bushman, Francis X MP
Butler, David MP
Butterworth, Charles MP
Buttons, Red TV
Buttram, Pat TV
Byington, Spring MP
Byington, Spring TV
to Quick
Cachao, Israel
Lopez Rec
Caen, James MP
Caesar, Sid TV
Cage, Nicholas MP
Cagney, James MP
Cahn, Sammy Rec
Calhoun, Alice MP
Calhoun, Rory MP
Calhoun, Rory TV
Callas, Maria Rec
Cameron, Rod TV
Campbell, Glenn Rec
Cannell, Stephen J TV
Cannon, Dyan MP
Canova, Judy MP
Canova, Judy Radio
Cantinflas MP
Cantor, Eddie MP
Cantor, Eddie TV
Cantor, Eddie Radio
Canutt, Yakima MP
Capra, Frank MP
Carey, Harry MP
Carey, Harry Jr TV
Carey, McDonald TV
Carle, Frankie Rec
Carlin, George LT
Carlisle, Kitty MP
Carlisle, Mary MP
Carlson, Richard TV
Carmichael, Hoagy TV
Carney, Art TV
Carpenter, Ken Radio
Carpenters, The Rec
Carr, Vicki Rec
Carradine, David TV
Carradine, John MP
Carradine, Keith TV
Carrillo, Leo MP
Carrillo, Leo TV
Carroll, Diahann Rec
Carroll, Madeleine MP
Carroll, Nancy MP
Carson, Jack Radio
Carson, Jack TV
Carson, Jeannie TV
Carson, Johnny TV
Carter, Benny Rec
Caruso, Enrico Rec
Casadesus, Robert Rec
Cash, Johnny Rec
Cassyd, Syd TV
Castle, Peggy TV
Cates, Gil MP
Catlett, Walter MP
Caulfied, Joan TV
Cavallaro, Carmen Rec
Cerf, Bennett TV
Chaliapin, Feodor Rec
Chamberlain, Richard MP
Chambers, John MP
Chambers, Stan TV
Champion, Gower TV
Champion, Marge TV
Chan Jackie MP
Chandler, Jeff MP
Chaney, Lon MP
Channing, Carol TV
Chaplin, Charles MP
Chapman, Marguerite TV
Charisse, Cyd MP
Charles, Ray Rec
Chase, Charley MP
Chase, Chevy MP
Chase, Ika MP
Chase, Ika TV
Chatterton, Ruth MP
Cherrill, Virgina MP
Chevalier, Maurice MP
Chicago Rec
Christie, Al MP
Christie, Charles MP
Cinklin, Chester MP
Claire, Ina MP
Clark, Buddy Rec
Clark, Dane TV
Clark, Dick TV
Clark, Fred TV
Clark, Marguerite MP
Clark, Roy Rec
Clayton, Ethel MP
Clayton, Jan TV
Cleveland, Rev James Rec
Clift, Montgomery MP
Cline, Patsy Rec
Clooney, Rosemary Rec
Clyde, Andy MP
Coburn, Charles MP
Coburn, James MP
Coca, Imogene TV
Cochran, Steve MP
Cody, Iron Eyes TV
Cohan, George M MP
Cohn, Arthur MP
Colbert, Claudette MP
Cole, Nat King Rec
Cole, Nat King TV
Cole, Natalie Rec
Collier, Constance MP
Collier, William MP
Collins, Gary TV
Collins, Joan MP
Collins, Michael TV
Collins, Phil Rec
Collyer, Bud Radio
Colman, Ronald TV
Colman, Ronald MP
Colonna, Jerry Radio
Como, Perry Radio
Como, Perry TV
Compon, Betty MP
Conklin, Chester MP
Conklin, Heinie MP
Connors, Chuck TV
Conreid, Hans TV
Conte, John TV
Conti, Bill MP
Conway, Tim TV
Conway, Jack MP
Conway, Tom TV
Coogan, Jackie MP
Cook, Clyde MP
Cook, Donald MP
Cooke, Alistair TV
Cooke, Sam Rec
Cooley, Spade Radio
Cooper, Gary MP
Cooper, Jackie MP
Cooper, Jeanne TV
Cooper, Meriam C MP
Copperfield, David LT
Corey, Wendell TV
Corman, Roger MP
Cornelius, Don TV
Cornell, Don Rec
Correll, Charles "Andy" Radio
Cortez, Ricardo MP
Cosby, Bill TV
Costello, Dolores MP
Costello, Helene MP
Costello, Lou MP
Costello, Lou Radio
Costello, Lou TV
Costello, Maurice MP
Costner Kevin MP
Cotten, Joseph MP
Cowan, Jerome TV
Cox, Wally TV
Crabbe, Buster TV
Crawford, Broderick MP
Crawford, Broderick TV
Crawford, Joan MP
Cregar, Laird MP
Crenna, Richard MP
Crews, Laura Hope MP
Criothers, Scatman TV
Crisp, Donald MP
Cromwell, John MP
Cromwell, Richard MP
Crooks, Richard Rec
Crosby, Bing MP
Crosby, Bing Radio
Crosby, Bing Rec
Crosby, Bob TV
Crosby, Bob Radio
Crosby, Norm TV
Crosby, Stills & Nash Rec
Cross, Milton Radio
Cruise, Tom MP
Crumit, Frank Radio
Cruz, Celia Rec
Cruze, James MP
Crystal, Billy MP
Cugat, Xavier TV
Cugat, Xavier Rec
Cukor, George MP
Cummings, Constance MP
Cummings, Irving MP
Cummings, Robert MP
Cummings, Robert TV
Cunningham, Bill Radio
Curtis, Alan MP
Curtis, Jamie Lee MP
Curtis, Tony MP
Curtiz, Michael MP
to Quick
Dahl, Arlene MP
Daley, Cass TV
Daley, Cass Radio
Dalton, Dorothy MP
Daly, John TV
Daly, Tyne TV
Damone, Vic Rec
Dana, Viola MP
Dandridge, Dorothy MP
Dane, Karl MP
Dangerfield, Rodney MP
Daniels, Bebe MP
Daniels, Billy Rec
Danson, Ted TV
Danza, Tony TV
Darin, Bobby Rec
Darnell, Linda MP
Darwell, Jane MP
Daves, Delmer L MP
Davies, Marion MP
Davis, Ann B TV
Davis, Bette MP
Davis, Bette TV
Davis, Clive Rec
Davis, Gail TV
Davis, Jim TV
Davis, Joan MP
Davis, Joan Radio
Davis, Mac Rec
Davis, Miles Rec
Davis, Sammy Jr Rec
Day, Dennis Radio
Day, Dennis TV
Day, Doris Rec
Day, Doris MP
Day, Laraine MP
DeCamp, Rosemary TV
DeCarlo, Yvonne MP
DeCarlo, Yvonne TV
DeFore, Don TV
DeForest, Lee MP
DeHaven, Carter MP
DeHaven, Gloria MP
DeHavilland, Olivia MP
De La Motte, Marguerite MP
DeLeath, Vaughn Radio
DeLuise, Dom MP N
DeMille, Cecil B MP
DeMille, Cecil B Radio
DeSylva, Buddy Rec N
Dead End Kids MP
Dean, James MP
Dear Abby Radio
Dee, Frances MP
Dees, Rick Radio N
Deiterle, William MP
Dekker, Albert TV
Del Rio, Dolores MP
Del Ruth, Roy MP
DeMarest, William MP
Denning, Richard TV
Denny, Reginald MP
Depp, Johnny MP
Derek, John TV
DeVine, Andy Radio
DeVine, Andy TV
Dexter, Elliott MP
Dickinson, Angie TV
Dietrich, Marlene MP
Diller, Phyllis TV
Disney, Roy O MP
Disney, Walt MP
Disney, Walt TV
Dix, Richard MP
Dmytryk, Edward MP
Dodd, Jimmie TV
Domingo, Placido LT
Domino, Fats Rec
Donald, Peter TV
Donat, Robert MP
Donlevy, Brian TV
Doro, Marie MP
Dorsey, Jimmy Rec
Dorsey, Tommy Rec
Douglas, Jack TV
Douglas, Kirk MP
Douglas, Melvyn MP
Douglas, Melvyn TV
Douglas, Mike TV
Douglas, Paul MP
Douglas, Paul TV
Dove, Billie MP
Downey, Morton Radio
Downs, Cathy TV
Dragon, Carmen Radio
Dragonette, Jessica Radio
Drake, Frances MP
Dresser, Louise MP
Dressler, Marie MP
Drew, Ellen MP
Drew, Mr & Mrs Sidney MP
Dreyfuss, Richard MP
Driscoll, Bobby MP
Dru, Joanne TV
Duff, Howard TV
Dunaway, Faye MP
Dunn, James MP
Dunn, James TV
Dunne, Irene MP
Dunne, Philip MP
Dunnock, Mildred MP
Dunphy, Jerry TV
Duran Duran Rec
Durante, Jimmy MP
Durante, Jimmy Radio
Durbin, Deanna MP
Duryea, Dan TV
Dvorak, Ann MP
Dwan, Allan MP
to Quick
Earth, Wind &
Fire Rec
Eastman, George MP
Ebsen, Buddy MP
Eckstine, Billy Rec
Edison, Thomas Alva Rec
Eddy, Nelson MP
Eddy, Nelson Radio
Eddy, Nelson Rec
Eden, Barbara TV
Edeson, Robert MP
Edwards, Ralph Radio
Edwards, Ralph TV
Ellington, Duke Rec
Elman, Mischa Rec
Emerson, Faye MP
Emerson, Faye TV
Enberg, Dick TV
Ericson, John TV
Errol, Leon MP
Erwin, Stu TV
Estefan, Gloria Rec
Etting, Ruth MP
Eubanks, Bob TV
Evans, Dale Radio
Evans, Dale TV
Evans, Linda TV
Evans, Madge MP
Evans, Robert MP
Everett, Chad TV
Everly Brothers, The Rec
to Quick
Fabian Rec
Fabray, Nannette TV
Factor, Max MP
Fadiman, Clifton Radio
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr MP
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr Radio
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr TV
Fairbanks, Douglas Sr MP
Fairbanks, Jerry MP
Faith, Percy Rec
Falkenburg, Jim TV
Farnum, Dustin MP
Farnun, William MP
Farr, Jamie TV N
Farrar, Geraldine MP
Farrar, Geraldine Rec
Farrell, Charles MP
Farrell, Charlie TV
Farrell, Glenda MP
Farrow, John MP
Faversham, William MP
Fawcett, Farrah TV
Fay, Frank MP
Fay, Frank Radio
Faye, Alice MP
Faye, Julia MP
Faylen, Frank TV
Fazenda, Louise MP
Fedderson, Don TV
Feliciano, Jose Rec
Felton, Verna TV
Fender, Freddie Rec
Fenneman, George TV
Ferguson, Helen MP
Fernandez, Vicente Rec
Ferrer, Jose MP
Ferrer, Mel MP
Fetchit, Stepin MP
Fidler, Jimmie Radio
Fiedler, Arthur Rec
Field, Virginia TV
Fields, Gracie Radio
Fields, WC MP
Fields, WC Radio
Fifth Dimension, Rec
Finch, Flora MP
Fisher, Eddie Rec
Fisher, Eddie TV
Fisher, George Radio
Fishman, Hal TV
Fitzgerald, Barry MP
Fitzgerald, Barry TV
Fitzgerald, Ella Rec
Fitzgerald, Geraldine MP
Fitzmaurice, George MP
Fitzpartick, James A MP
Fitzgerald, Ella Rec
Fleetwood Mac Rec
Fleming, Rhonda MP
Fleming, Victor MP
Flynn, Errol MP
Flynn, Errol TV
Foch, Nina MP
Foch, Nina TV
Fogerty, John Rec
Foley, Red Rec
Foley, Red TV
Fonda, Henry MP
Fontaine, Joan MP
Foran, Dick TV
Foray, June TV
Forbes, Scott TV
Ford, Glenn MP
Ford, Harrison MP
Ford, Harrison MP
Ford, John MP
Ford, Tennesse Ernie Radio
Ford, Tennesse Ernie Rec
Ford, Tennesse Ernie TV
Forsythe, John TV
Foster, Preston TV
Four Step Brothers The LT
Four Tops, The Rec
Fox Michael J
Fox, William MP
Foy, Eddie MP
Frampton, Peter Rec
Francescatti, Zino Rec
Francis, Anne TV
Francis, Arlene Radio
Francis, Arlene TV
Francis, Kay MP
Francisco, Don TV
Franklin, Aretha Rec
Franklin, Sidney MP
Franz, Dennis TV
Frawley, William MP
Freberg, Stan Rec
Frederick, Pauline MP
Freed, Alan Radio
Freeman, Frank Y MP
Freeman, Morgan MP
Friedkin, William MP
Fries, Charles TV
Frizzell, Lefty Rec
Froman, Jane Radio
Froman, Jane Rec
Froman, Jane TV
Fuller, Robert TV
Funicello, Annette MP
Furness, Betty MP
Furness, Betty TV
to Quick
G, Kenny Rec
Gable, Clark MP
Gabor, Eva TV
Gabor, Zsa Zsa TV
Gabriel, Juan Rec
Gahagan, Helen MP
Galli-Curci, Amelita Rec
Garbo, Greta MP
Garcia, Andy MP
Gardner, Ava MP
Gardner, Ed Radio
Gardner, Ed TV
Garfield, John MP
Garland, Beverly TV
Garland, Judy MP
Garner, Erroll Rec
Garner, James TV
Garner, Peggy Ann MP
Garnett, Tay MP
Garroway, Dave Radio
Garroway, Dave TV
Garrett Betty LT
Garson, Greer MP
Gaye, Marvin Rec
Gaynor, Janey MP
Gaynor, Mitzi MP
Gershwin, Geo & Ira Rec
Gibbons, Floyd Radio
Gibbons, Leeza TV
Gibbs, Georgia Rec
Gibson, Hoot MP
Gigli, Beniamino Rec
Gilbert, Billy MP
Gilbert, John MP
Gilbert, Melissa TV
Gilbert, Paul TV
Gillespie, Dizzy Rec
Gilley, Mickey Rec
Gish, Dorothy MP
Gish, Lillian MP
Glaum, Louise MP
Gleason, Jackie Rec
Gleason, Jackie TV
Gleason, James MP
Gless, Sharon TV
Globtrotters, Harlem TV
Gobel, George TV
Goddard, Paulette MP
Godfrey, Arthur Radio
Godfrey, Arthur Rec
Godfrey, Arthur TV
Godwin, Earl Radio
Gold, Earnest Rec
Goldberg, Leonard TV
Goldberg, Whoopi MP
Goldman, Edwin F Radio
Goldwyn, Samuel MP
Gooding, Jr, Cuba MP
Goodman, Al Rec
Goodman, Benny Rec
Goodson, Mark TV
Goodwin, Bill Radio
Gordon, Gale Radio
Gordy, Berry Rec
Gore, Mike MP
Gorme, Edie & Steve Lawrence Rec
Gosden, Freeman "Amos" Radio
Gossett, Louis Jr MP
Goudal, Jetta MP
Gould, Morton Rec
Goulet, Robert Rec
Grable, Betty MP
Graham, Billy Radio
Grahame, Gloria MP
Grammer, Kelsey TV
Granger, Farley TV
Grannville, Bonita MP
Grant, Cary MP
Grant, Johnny TV
Grauman, Sid MP
Gray, Gilda MP
Gray, Glen Rec
Grayson, Kathryn MP
Grazer, Brian MP
Green, Alfred MP
Green, John MP
Green, Mitzi MP
Greene, Harold TV
Greene, Lorne TV N
Greenwood, Charlotte Radio
Greer, Jane MP
Grey, Joel LT
Griffin, Merv TV
Griffith, Andy TV
Griffith, Corinne MP
Griffith, David W MP
Griffith, Raymond MP
Guillaume, Robert TV
Guinan, Texas MP
Guinness, Alec MP
Gwenn, Edmund MP
to Quick
Hackett, Buddy LV
Hadley, Reed TV
Hagen, Jean TV
Haggerty, Dan TV
Haggerty, Don TV
Hagman, Larry TV N
Haines, William MP
Hairston, Jester TV
Hale, Alan MP
Hale, Alan TV
Hale, Barbara TV
Hale, Creighton MP
Haley, Bill Rec
Haley, Jack Radio
Hall, Arsenio TV
Hall Conrad MP
Hall, John MP
Hall, Jon TV
Hall, Monty TV
Hamblen, Stuart Radio
Hamer, Rusty TV
Hamilton, Lloyd MP
Hamilton, Neil MP
Hampton, Lionel Rec
Hancock, Herbie Rec
Hanks, Tom MP
Hanna-Barbera TV
Harding, Ann MP
Harding, Ann TV
Hardwicke, Sir Cedric MP
Hardwicke, Sir Cedric TV
Hardy, Oliver MP
Harlow, Jean MP
Harris, Arlene Radio
Harris, Mildred MP
Harris, Phil Radio
Harris, Phil Rec
Harrison, Rex MP
Harrison, Rex TV
Harryhausen Ray MP
Hart, John TV
Hart, Mary TV
Hart, William S MP
Hartley, Mariette TV
Hasselhoff, David TV
Hasso, Signe MP
Hathaway, Henry MP
Hatton, Raymond MP
Haver, June MP
Havoc, June MP
Havoc, June TV
Hawk, Bob TV
Hawks, Howard MP
Hayakawa, Sessue MP
Hayes, Gabby Radio
Hayes, George "Gabby" TV
Hayes, Helen MP
Hayes, Helen Radio
Hay, Bill Radio
Haymes, Dick Radio
Hayes, Johnny Radio
Hayman, Richard Rec
Haymes, Dick Rec
Haynes, Dick Radio
Hays, Will H MP
Hayward, Louis MP
Hayward, Louis TV
Hayward, Susan MP
Hayworth, Rita MP
Head, Edith MP
Healy, Jim Radio
Hearn, Chick Radio
Heckart, Eileen MP
Hedren Tippi MP
Heflin, Van MP
Heflin, Van TV
Hefner, Hugh TV
Heidt, Horace Radio
Heidt, Horace TV
Heifetz, Jascha Rec
Henderson, Florence TV
Hendrix, Jimi Rec
Henie, Sonja MP
Henreid, Paul MP
Henreid, Paul TV
Henson, Jim TV
Hepburn, Audrey MP
Hepburn, Katherine MP
Herbert, Hugh MP
Herman, Jerry LT
Herman, Pee-Wee MP
Herman, Woody Rec
Hern, Chick Radio
Hersholt, Jean MP
Hersholt, Jean Radio
Hervey, Irene MP
Heston, Charlton MP
Heywood, Eddie Rec
Hibbler, Al Rec
Hicks, George Radio
Hildegarde Radio
Hitchcock, Alfred MP
Hitchcock, Alfred TV
Hodiak, John Radio
Hoffa, Portland Radio
Holden, William MP
Holiday, Billie Rec N
Holliday, Judy MP
Holliman, Earl TV
Hollingshead, Gordon MP
Holm, Celeste MP
Holm, Celeste TV
Holmes, Burton MP
Holmes, Phillips MP
Holmes, Taylor MP
Holt, Jack MP -/
Hooker, John Lee Rec
Hope, Bob MP
Hope, Bob Radio
Hope, Bob LT Special Plaque
Hope, Bob TV
Hope, Dolores LT
Hopkins, Miriam MP
Hopkins, Miriam TV
Hopper, Hedda MP
Horne, Lena MP
Horne, Lena Rec
Horowitz, Vladimir Rec
Horton, Edward Everett MP
Houdini, Harry MP
Howard, Eddy Rec
Howard, John TV
Howard, Leslie MP
Howard, Ron TV
Howard, William K MP
Hudson, Rochelle MP
Hudson, Rock MP
Hull, Josephine MP
Hull, Warren Radio
Hull, Warren TV
Humberstone, Bruce MP
Humperdinck, Engelbert Rec
Hunt, Frazier Radio
Hunt, Marsha TV
Hunt, Pee Wee Rec
Hunter, Jeffrey TV
Hunter, Kim MP
Hunter, Kim TV
Hunter, Tab Rec
Hurt, Marlin Radio
Husing, Ted Radio
Husky, Ferlin Rec
Hussey, Ruth MP
Huston, John MP
Huston, Walter MP
Hutton, Betty MP
to Quick
Iglesias, Julio
Ince, Thomas MP
Infante, Pedro Rec
Ingram, Rex MP
Ireland, Jill MP
Ireland, John TV
Iturbi, Jose Rec
to Quick
Jackson, Janet
Jackson, Mahalia Rec
Jackson, Michael Radio
Jackson, Michael Rec
Jackson, Samuel L MP
Jackson, Sherry TV
Jacksons, The Rec
Jagger, Dean MP
Jam, Jimmy & Terry Lewis Rec
James, Dennis TV
James Etta
James, Harry Rec
James, Joni & Sonny Rec
Janis, Elsie MP
Jannings, Emil MP
Janssen, David TV
Jarre, Maurice MP
Jarreau, Al Rec
Jarrin, Jamie Radio
Jeffreys, Anne TV
Jenkins, Gordon Rec
Jergens, Adele TV
Jessel, George MP
Jewell, Isabel MP
Jewison, Norman MP
John, Elton Rec
Johnson, Earvin "Magic" MP
Johnson, Ben MP
Johnson, Don TV
Johnson, Nunnally MP
Johnson, Van MP
Jolson, Al MP
Jolson, Al Radio
Jolson, Al Rec
Jones, Allan Rec
Jones, Buck MP
Jones, Chuck MP
Jones, Dick TV
Jones, Gordon TV
Jones, Jack Rec
Jones, Jennifer MP
Jones, Quincy Rec
Jones, Shirley MP
Jones, Spike Radio
Jones, Buck MP
Jones, Spike Rec
Jones, Tom Rec
Jones, Tommy Lee MP
Jory, Victor MP
Jourdan, Louis Rec
Jourdan, Louis TV
Joy, Leatrice MP
Jurado, Katy MP
to Quick
Kallen, Kitty Rec
Kalmus, Herbert MP
Karloff, Boris MP
Karloff, Boris TV
Kasem, Casey Radio
Kaye, Danny MP
Kaye, Danny Rec
Kaye, Danny Radio
Kaye, Sammy Rec
Kaye, Sammy TV
Kaye, Sammy Radio
Kazan, Elia MP
Keaton, Buster MP
Keaton, Buster TV
Keel, Howard MP
Keeler, Ruby MP
Keene, Bill TV
Keeshan, Bob TV
Kellerman, Annette MP
Kelley, DeForest MP
Kelly, Gene MP
Kelly, Grace MP
Kelly, Nancy MP
Kelly, Patsy MP
Kennedy, Arthur MP
Kennedy, Arthur TV
Kennedy, Edgar MP
Kennedy, George MP
Kennedy, John B Radio
Kennedy, Madge MP
Kenton, Stan Rec
Kermit the Frog TV
Kerr, Deborah MP
Kerrigan, JM MP
Kerry, Norman MP
Kidman Nicole MP
Kilgallen, Dorothy TV
King, Andrea TV
King, BB Rec
King, John Reed Radio
King, Kenry MP
King, Larry TV
King, Pee Wee Rec
King, Peggy TV
King, Wayne Radio
Kirkwood, Joe Jr TV
Kirsten, Dorothy Rec
Kiss Rec
Kitt, Eartha Rec
Klugman, Jack TV
Knight, Evelyn Rec
Knight, Gladys Rec
Knight, June MP
Knight, Raymond Radio
Knight, Ted TV
Knotts, Don TV
Knowles, Patrick TV
Knudsen, Peggy TV
Kosloff, Theodore MP
Kostelanetz, Andre Rec
Koster, Henry MP
Kovas, Ernie TV
Kramer, Stanley MP
Kreisler, Fritz Rec
Krueger, Kurt MP
Kruger, Otto MP
Kruger, Otto TV
Kyser, Kay Radio
Kyser, Kay Rec
to Quick
La Rocque, Rod MP
La Rosa, Julius TV
La Belle, Patti Rec
La Cava, Gregory MP
Laboe, Art Radio
Ladd, Alan MP
Ladd, Sue Carol MP
Laemmle, Carl MP
Laine, Frankie Rec
Laine, Frankie TV
Lake, Alice MP
Lake, Authur Radio
Lake, Veronica MP
LaLanne Jack TV
Lamarr, Barbara MP
Lamarr, Hedy MP
Lamour, Dorothy MP
Lamour, Dorothy Radio
Lancaster, Burt MP
Landau, Martin MP
Landi, Elissa MP
Landis, Carole MP
Landon, Michael TV
Landsberg, Klaus TV
Lane, Abbe TV
Lane, Dick TV
Lanfield, Sidney MP
Lang, Fritz MP
Lang, Walter MP
Langdon, Harry MP
Langford, Frances MP
Langford, Frances Radio
Lansbury, Angela MP
Lansbury, Angela TV
Lansing, Joe TV
Lansing, Sherry MP
Lantz, Walter MP
Lanza, Mario Rec
Lanza, Mario MP
LaPlante, Laura MP
Larson, Glen TV
Lasky, Jesse MP
Lassie MP
Laughton, Charles MP
Laurel, Stan MP
Lawford, Peter TV
Lawrence, Barbara TV
Lawrence, Carol LT
Lawrence, Steve & Edie Gorme Rec
Leachman, Cloris TV
Lear, Norman TV
Lederer, Francis MP
Lee, Anna MP
Lee, Bruce MP
Lee, Gypsy Rose MP
Lee, Lila MP
Lee, Michelle TV
Lee, Peggy Rec
Lee, Pinky TV
Lee, Roland MP
Lehmann, Lottie Rec
Leiber & Stoller Rec
Leigh, Janet MP
Leigh, Vivien MP
Leisen, Michelle MP
Lemmon, Jack MP
Lennon, John Rec
Lennon Sisters, The TV
Leno, Jay TV
Leonard, Robert Z MP
LeRoy, Mervyn MP
Lescoulie, Jack TV
Leslie, Joan TV
Lesser, Sol MP
Levant, Oscar Rec
Lewis, Fulton Radio
Lewis, Jerry TV
Lewis, Jerry MP
Lewis, Jerry Lee Rec
Lewis, Robert Q TV
Lewis, Shari TV
Leyden, Bill TV
Liberace Rec
Liberace TV
Lichtman, Al MP
Lillie, Beatrice MP
Lincoln, Elmo MP
Linden, Eric MP
Lindsay, Margaret MP
Linkletter, Art Radio
Linkletter, Art TV
Lithgow, John TV
Little, Cleavon MP
Little, Little Jack Radio
Little, Rich TV
Litvak, Anatole MP
Livingston & Evans Rec
Livingston, Mary Radio
Lloyd, Frank MP
Lloyd, Harold MP
Lockhart, Gene MP
Lockhart, Gene TV
Lockhart, June MP
Lockhart, June TV
Lockhart, Kathleen MP
Loew, Marcus MP
Logan, Joshua MP
Loggins, Kenny Red
Lohman & Barkley Radio N
Lombard, Carole MP
Lombardo, Guy Radio
Lombardo, Guy Rec
Lombardo, Guy TV
London, Julie Rec
Lopez, Vincent Radio
Lord, Marjorie TV
Lord, Philips Radio
Loren, Sophia MP
Lorre, Peter MP
Louise, Anita MP
Love, Bessie MP
Lovejoy, Frank TV
Lowe, Edmund MP
Lowe, Edmund TV
Lowe, Jim Rec
Loy, Myrna MP
Lubin, Sigmund MP
Lubitsch, Ernst MP
Luboff, Norman Rec
Ludden, Allen TV
Lugosi, Bela MP
Lukas, Paul MP
Luke, Keye MP
Lumiere, Auguste MP
Lumiere, Louis MP
Luna, Humberto TV
Lund, Art Rec
Lupino, Ida TV
Lupino, Ida MP
Lupton, John TV
Luther, Frank Rec
Lyles, AC MP
Lymon, Frankie Rec
Lynn, Diana MP
Lynn, Diana TV
Lynn, Loretta Rec
Lyon, Ben MP
Lytell, Bert MP
to Quick
MacDonald, Jeanette
MacDonald, Jeanette Rec
MacDonald, Katherine MP
MacKenzie, Gisele TV
MacLaine, Shirley MP
MacLane, Barton TV
MacMurray, Fred MP
MacPherson, Jeanie MP
MacRae, Gordon Radio
Mack, Helen MP
Mack, Ted TV
Maddox, Johnny Rec
Madison, Guy Radio
Madison, Guy TV
Magnani, Anna MP
Majors, Lee TV
Mako MP
Malden, Karl MP
Malone, Dorothy MP
Malone, Ted Radio
Mamoulian, Rouben MP
Mancini, Henry Rec
Manilow, Barry Rec
Mankiewicz, Joseph L MP
Mann, Anthony MP
Mann, Delbert MP
Mann, Hank MP
Mansfield, Jayne MP
Mantovani Rec
March, Fredric MP
March, Hal Radio
March, Hal TV
Margaret, Ann MP
Mark & Brian Radio
Marley, Bob Rec
Marley, J Peverell MP
Marlow, Jess TV
Marsh, Mae MP
Marshall, Garry TV
Marshall, George MP
Marshall, Herbert MP
Martin, Dean MP
Martin, Dean Rec
Martin, Dean TV
Martin, Freddy Rec
Martin, Marion MP
Martin, Mary Radio
Martin, Mary Rec
Martin, Quinn TV
Martin, Tony MP
Martin, Tony Radio
Martin, Tony Rec
Martin, Tony TV
Marx, Groucho TV
Marx, Groucho Radio
Mason, James TV
Massey, Ilona MP
Massey, Raymond MP
Massey, Raymond TV
Mathis, Johnny Rec
Matthau, Walter MP
Mature, Victor MP
Mayer, Louis B MP
Maynard, Ken MP
Mayo, Archie MP
Mayo, Virginia TV
McAvoy, May MP
McBride, Mary Margaret Radio
McCalla, Irish TV
McCambridge, Mercedes MP
McCambridge, Mercedes TV
McCarey, Leo MP
McCarthy, Clem Radio
McClure, Doug TV
McCormick Larry
McCormick, Patty MP
McCoy, Clyde Rec
McCoy, Tim MP
McCrary, Tex TV
McCrea, Joel MP
McCrea, Joel Radio
McDaniel, Hattie MP
McDaniel, Hattie Radio
McDonnell, Smilin' Ed Radio
McDowall, Roddy TV
McEntire, Reba Rec
McFarland, Spanky MP
McGee, Fibber & Molly Radio N
McGraw, Charles TV
McGuire, Dorothy MP
McKuen, Rod Rec
McLaglen, Victor MP
McLeod, Norman Z MP
McMahon, Ed TV
McNamee, Graham Radio
McNeill, Don Radio
McQueen, Steve MP
Meadows, Audrey TV
Meek, Donald MP
Meeker, George MP
Meighan, Thomas MP
Meiklejohn MP
Melachrino Rec
Melchior, Lauritz
Melton, James Radio
Melton, James Rec
Mendez, Rafael Rec
Menjou, Adolphe MP
Menuhin, Yehudi Rec
Mercer, Johnny TV
Meredith, Burgess MP
Merkel, Una MP
Merman, Ethel MP
Merman, Ethel Rec
Merrill, Robert Rec
Michaels, Lorne TV
Micheaux, Oscar MP
Midler, Bette Rec
Miguel, Luis Rec
Miles, Vera TV
Milestone, Lewis MP
Milland, Ray MP
Milland, Ray TV
Miller Band, The Steve Rec
Miller, Ann MP
Miller, Glenn Rec
Miller, Marilyn MP
Miller, Marvin TV
Miller, Mitch Rec
Mills Brothers Rec
Milstein, Nathan Rec
Minnelli, Liza LT
Minnelli, Vincente MP
Minter, Mary Miles MP
Minyard, Ken & Bob Arthur Radio
Miranda, Carmen MP
Mitchell, Everett Radio
Mitchell, Guy Rec
Mitchell, Thomas MP
Mitchell, Thomas TV
Mitchum, Robert MP
Mix, Tom MP
Mohr, Hal MP
Monk, Thelonious Rec
Monkees, The Rec
Monroe, Marilyn MP
Monroe, Vaughn Radio
Monroe, Vaughn Rec
Montalban, Ricardo TV
Monteux, Pierre Rec
Montgomery, George TV
Montgomery, Robert MP
Montgomery, Robert TV
Mooney, Art Rec
Moore, Clayton/Lone Ranger TV
Moore, Collen MP
Moore, Constance MP
Moore, Del TV
Moore, Dudley MP
Moore, Garry Radio
Moore, Garry TV
Moore, Grace MP
Moore, Mary Tyler TV
Moore, Matt MP
Moore, Owen MP
Moore, Terry MP
Moore, Tom MP
Moore, Victor MP
Moorehead, Agnes MP
Moran, Polly MP
Moreno, Antonio MP
Moreno, Rita MP
Morgan, Frank MP
Morgan, Frank Radio
Morgan, Henry Radio
Morgan, Michele MP
Morgan, Ralph MP
Morgan, Robert W Radio
Morgan, Russ Rec
Morita, Pat MP
Morse, Carlton E Radio
Morse, Ella Mae Rec
Moss, Jerry TV
Mouse, Mickey MP
Muhall, Jack MP
Muir, Jean MP
Mulligan, Richard TV
Muni, Paul MP
Munson, Ona MP
Muren, Dennis MP
Murphy, Audie MP
Murphy, Eddie MP
Murphy, George MP
Murphy, Charlie MP
Murray, Anne Rec
Murray, Don MP
Murray, Jan TV
Murray, Ken Radio
Murray, Mae MP
Murrow, Edward R Radio
Myers, Carmel MP
Myers Mike MP
to Quick
Nabors, Jim LT
Nagel, Conrad MP
Nagel, Conrad Radio
Nagel, Conrad TV
Naish, J Carrol TV
Naldi, Nita MP
Nash, Ogden TV
Navarro, Ramon MP
Nazimova MP
Nederlander, James LT
Negri, Pola MP
Negulesco, Jean MP
Neilan, Marshall MP
Nelson, Barry TV
Nelson, David TV
Nelson, Gene MP
Nelson, Harriet TV
Nelson, Ozzie TV
Nelson, Ozzie & Harriet Radio
Nelson, Rick Rec
Nesbitt, John MP
Nesbitt, John Radio
Neufeld Mace MP
Newhart, Bob TV
Newman, Alfred Rec
Newman, Paul MP
Newton, Wayne Rec
Newton-John Olivia Rec
Niblo, Fred MP
Nicholas Brothers MP
Nichols, Nichelle TV
Nicholson, Jack MP
Nielson, Leslie MP
Niles, Chuck Radio
Niles, Ken Radio
Niles, Wendell Radio
Nilsson, Anna Q MP
Nimoy, Leonard MP
Niven, David MP
Niven, David TV
Nixon, Marian MP
Nolan, Lloyd TV
Norman, Mabel MP
Normand, Mabel MP
Norris, Chuck MP
Novak, Kim MP
to Quick
Oakie, Jack MP
Oberon, Merle MP
O'Brian, Hugh TV
O'Brien, Dave MP
O'Brien, Edmond MP
O'Brien, Edmond TV
O'Brien, Eugene MP
O'Brien, George MP
O'Brien, Margaret MP
O'Brien, Margaret TV
O'Brien, Pat MP
O'Brien, Pat TV
O'Connor, Donald MP
O'Connor, Donald TV
O'Day, Molly MP
O'Hanlon, George MP
O'Hara, Maureen MP
O'Keefe, Walter Radio
O'Neill, Henry MP
Oliver, Edna May MP
Oliver, Laurence MP
Olmos, Edward James MP
Orlando, Tony Rec
Ormandy, Eugene Rec
Osbourne, Ozzy Rec
Osmond Family The Rec
O'Shea, Michael TV
O'Sullivan, Maureen MP
Owens, Buck Rec
Owens, Gary Radio
to Quick
Paderewski Rec
Page, Anita MP
Page, Patti Rec
Paige, Janis MP
Pal, George MP
Palance, Jack TV
Pallette, Eugene MP
Palmer, Lilili TV
Pangborn, Franklin MP
Parker, Eleanor MP
Parker, Frank Radio
Parker, Jean MP
Parkyakarkus Radio
Parr, Jack TV
Parrish, Helen MP
Parsons, Louella O MP
Parsons, Louella O Radio
Parton, Dolly Rec
Pasternak, Joe MP
Paul, Les & Mary Ford Rec
Paxinou, Katrina MP
Payne, John MP
Payne, John TV
Pearce, Al Radio
Pearl, Jack Radio
Pearson, Drew Radio
Peary, Harold Radio
Peary, Harold TV
Peck, Gregory MP
Peerce, Jan Rec
Penner, Joe Radio
Peppard, George MP
Perkins, Anthony TV
Perkins, Anthony MP
Perreau, Gigi TV
Perrin, Jack MP
Peters, Bernadette LT
Peters, Brock LT
Peters, House MP
Peters, Susan MP
Petrova, Olga MP
Petty, Tom Rec
Phillips, Dorothy MP
Pickford, Jack MP
Pickford, Mary MP
Pidgeon, Walter MP
Pierce, Webb Rec
Pinza, Ezio Rec
Pitts, Zasu MP
Pointer Sisters, The Rec
Poitier, Sidney MP
Pollard, Snub MP
Pons, Lily Rec
Potter, HC MP
Powell, David MP
Powell, Dick MP
Powell, Dick TV
Powell, Dick Radio
Powell, Eleanor MP
Powell, Jane MP
Powell, William MP
Power, Tyrone MP
Powers, Mala TV
Powers, Stefanie TV
Prado, Perez Rec
Preminger, Otto MP
Presley, Elvis Rec
Prevost, Marie MP
Price, Vincent MP
Price, Vincent TV
Pride, Charley Rec
Primrose, William Rec
Pringle, Aileen MP
Provost, Jon TV
Pryor, Richard MP
Puente, Tito Rec
Putnam, George TV
Pyle, Dever MP
to Quick
Queen, Rec
Quinn, Anthony MP
to Quick
Radner Gilda TV
Raft, George MP
Raft, George TV
Rainer, Luise MP
Rains, Claude MP
Raines, Ella MP
Rains, Claude MP
Raitt, John LT
Raitt, Bonnie Rec
Ralston, Esther MP
Ralston, Vera MP
Rambeau, Marjorie MP
Rathbone, Basil MP
Rathbone, Basil Radio
Rathbone, Basil TV
Ratoff, Gregory MP
Rawlinson, Herbert MP
Rawls, Lou Rec
Ray, Charles MP
Ray, Johnnie Rec
Raye, Martha MP
Raye, Martha TV
Raymond, Gene MP
Raymond, Gene TV
Reagan, Ronald TV
Reddy, Helen Rec
Reed, Donna MP
Reese, Della TV
Reeve, Christopher MP
Reeves, George TV
Regis Philbin TV
Reid, Wallace MP
Reiner, Carl TV
Reiner, Rob MP
Reis, Irving MP
Reitman, Ivan MP
Remick, Lee MP
Renaldo, Duncan TV
Rene, Henri Rec
Rennahan, Ray MP
Renoir, Jean MP
Reynolds, Burt MP
Reynolds, Debbie MP
Reynolds, Marjoroe TV
Reyonlds, Quentin Radio
Rice, Grantland Radio
Rich, Irene MP
Rich, Irene Radio
Richard, Little Rec
Richie Lionel Rec
Riddle, Nelson Rec
Riggs, Tommy & Betty Lou Radio
Rickles, Don LT
Rin Tin Tin MP
Ripley, Robert Radio
Ritter, John TV
Ritter, Tex Rec
Ritz, Brothers MP
Rivers, Joan TV
Roach, Hal MP
Robbins, Harold MP
Robbins, Marty Rec
Roberts Doris TV
Roberts, Theodore MP
Robertson, Cliff MP
Robertson, Dale TV
Robeson, Paul MP
Robinson, Edward G MP
Robinson, Smokey Rec N
Robson, Mark MP
Rochester Radio
Rock Chris TV
Roddenberry, Gene TV
Rodgers, Kenny Rec
Rogers, Buddy MP
Rogers, Fred TV
Rogers, Ginger MP
Rogers, Roy MP
Rogers, Roy Radio
Rogers, Roy TV
Rogers, Will MP
Rogers, Will Radio
Roland, Ruth MP
Roman, Ruth TV
Romero, Cesar MP
Romero, Cesar TV
Rooney, Mickey MP
Rooney, Mickey Radio
Rooney, Mickey TV
Rose, David Rec
Rose Marie TV
Roseanne TV
Ross, Diana Rec
Ross, Lanny Radio
Ross, Marion TV
Rossen, Robert MP
Roth, Lillian MP
Rowan & Martin TV
Rowland, Henry TV
Rowland, Richard MP
Rubens, Alma MP
Rubenstein, Authur Rec
Rudie, Evelyn TV
Ruggles, Charles MP
Ruggles, Charles Radio
Ruggles, Charlie TV
Ruggles, Wesley MP
Rugrats, The TV
Russell, Gail MP
Russell, Harold MP
Russell, Jane MP
Russell, Rosalind MP
Rutherford, Ann TV
Rutherford, Ann MP
Ryder, Winona MP
to Quick
Sabu MP
Sager, Carole Bayer Rec
Saint, Eva Marie TV
Saint, Eva Marie MP
Sajak, Pat TV
Sanders, George MP
Sanders, George TV
Sanderson, Julia Radio
Sandrich, Mark MP
Sands, Tommy Rec
Santana, Carlos Rec
Sarandon Susan MP
Saralegui, Cristina TV
Savalas, Telly MP
Schalatter, George TV
Schenck, Joseph MP
Schertzinger, Victor MP
Schifrin, Lalo Rec
Schildkraut, Joseph MP
Schlatter, George TV
Schoedsack, Ernest MP
Schulberg, BP MP
Schulz, Charles TV
Schumann-Heink Rec
Schwarzenegger, Arnold MP
Scorsese Martin MP
Scott, Lizabeth MP
Scott, Martha LT
Scott, Randolph MP
Scott, Zachary MP
Scully, Vin Radio
Scrugss Earl Rec
Seaton, George MP
Sebastian, Dorothy MP
Sedaka, Neil Rec Sunset & Vine
Sedgwick, Edward MP
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet Rec
Seiter, William MP
Selig, William MP
Selleck, Tom MP
Selznick, Lewis J MP
Semon, Larry MP
Sennett,Mack MP
Serkin, Rudolf Rec
Serling, Rod TV
Serrurier, Mark MP
Seymour, Jane TV
Shamroy, Leon MP
Shatner, William TV
Shaw, Artie Rec
Shaw, Robert Rec
Shearer, Norma MP
Shearing, George Rec
Sheen, Charlie MP
Sheen, Martin MP
Sheldon, Sidney TV
Shepherd, Cybill TV
Sheridan, Ann MP
Sherman Brothers MP
Sherwood, Bobby TV
Shirley, Anne MP
Shore, Dinah Radio
Shore, Dinah Rec
Shore, Dinah TV
Sidney, George MP
Sidney, Sylvia MP
Siegfried & Roy LT
Sills, Beverly Rec
Sills, Milton MP
Silver, Joel MP
Silverheels, Jay TV
Silvers, Phil TV
Simms, Ginny Radio
Simpsons, The TV
Sinatra, Frank MP
Sinatra, Frank Rec
Sinatra, Frank TV
Singleton, Penny MP
Singleton, Penny Radio
Skelton, Red Radio
Skelton, Red TV
Sloane, Everett TV
Small, Edward MP
Smith, C Aubrey MP
Smith, Carl Rec
Smith, Jack Radio
Smith, Jaclyn TV
Smith, Kate Rec
Smith, Kate Radio
Smith, Keely Rec
Smith, Pete MP
Smothers Brothers The TV
Snipes, Wesley MP
Snow White MP
Somers Suzanne TV
Sonny & Cher TV
Sons of the Pioneers Rec
Sothern, Ann MP
Sothern, Ann TV
Sousa, John Philip Rec
Spacey, Kevin MP
Spielberg Steven MP
Spelling, Aaron TV
Spiegel, Arthur MP
Spinners The Rec
Spitalny, Phil Radio
St John Adela MP
St John Al MP
Stack, Robert MP
Stafford, Hanley Radio
Stafford, Jo Radio
Stafford, Jo Rec
Stafford, Jo TV
Stahl, John MP
Stallone, Sylvester MP
Stanwyck, Barbara MP
Starke, Pauline MP
Starr, Kay Rec
Staub, Ralph MP
Steber, Eleanor Rec
Steele, Don The Real Radio
Steiger, Rod MP
Stein, Jules C MP
Steinberg, William Rec
Steiner, Max MP
Sterling, Ford MP
Sterling, Jan MP
Sterling, Robert TV
Stern, Bill Radio
Stern, Isaac Rec
Steve Miller Band, The Rec
Stevens, Connie TV
Stevens, George MP
Stevens, Mark TV
Stevens, Onslow MP
Stewart, Anita MP
Stewart, James MP
Stewart, Patrick LT
Stiller, Mauritz MP
Sting Rec
Stock, Frederick Rec
Stockowski, Leopold Rec
Stockwell, Dean MP
Stoloff, Morris Rec
Stone, Andrew L MP
Stone, Cliffie Radio
Stone, Ezra Radio
Stone, Fred MP
Stone, George E MP
Stone, Lewis MP
Stone, Milburn MP
Stone, Oliver MP
Stone, Sharon MP
Storey, Edith MP
Storm, Gale Radio
Storm, Gale Rec
Storm, Gale TV
Stout, Bill TV
Strasberg, Lee MP
Stravinsky, Igor Radio
Streep, Meryl MP
Streisand, Barbra MP
Strongheart MP
Sturges, John MP
Sturges, Preston MP
Sullavan, Margaret MP
Sullivan, Barry MP
Sullivan, Barry TV
Sullivan, Ed TV
Sunshine Band KC & Rec
Sumac, Yma Rec
Summer, Donna Rec
Summerville, Slim MP
Supremes, The Rec
Swain, Mack MP
Swanson, Gloria TV
Swanson, Gloria MP
Swarthout, Gladys Rec
Swayze, Patrick MP
Sweet, Blanche MP
Swit, Loretta TV
Szigeti, Joseph Rec
to Quick
Takei, George TV
Taliaferro, Mabel MP
Talmadge, Constance MP
Talmadge, Norma MP
Tamiroff, Akim MP
Tandy, Jessica MP
Taurog, Norman MP
Taylor, Elizabeth MP
Taylor, Estelle MP
Taylor, Kent TV
Taylor, Rip LT
Taylor, Robert MP
Taylor, Ruth Ashton TV
Tebaldi, Renata Rec
Temple, Shirley MP
Templeton, Alex Radio
Temptations, The Rec
Terry, Alice MP
Tesh, John TV
Thalberg, Irving MP
Thaxter, Phyllis MP
Thebom, Blanche Rec
Thomas, Bob MP
Thomas, Danny TV
Thomas, Jay Radio
Thomas, John Carlos Rec
Thomas, Lowell MP
Thomas, Lowell Radio
Thomas, Marlo TV
Thompson, Bill Radio
Thomson, Fred MP
Thorpe, Richard MP
Three Stooges,The MP
Tibbett, Lawrence Rec
Tierney, Gene MP
Tisch, Steve MP
Tobin, Genevieve MP
Todd, Thelma MP
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers Rec
Tone, Franchot MP
Toomey, Regis MP
Torme, Mel Rec
Torrence, David MP
Torrence, Ernest MP
Toscanini, Arturo Radio
Toscanini, Arturo Rec
Tourneur, Maurice MP
Tracy, Lee MP
Tracy, Spencer MP
Traubel, Helen Rec
Travolta, John MP
Treacher, Arthur MP
Trebek, Alex TV
Trevor, Claire MP
Trimble, Laurence MP
Truex, Ernest TV
Tubb, Ernest Rec
Tucker, Forrest MP
Tucker, Sophie MP
Tully, Thomas L MP
Tuna, Charlie Radio
Tune, Tommy LT
Turner, Lana MP
Turner, Tina Rec
Turpin, Ben MP
Tuttle, Lurene Radio
Tuttle, Lurene TV
Twelvetrees, Helen MP
Tyson, Cicely MP
to Quick
Urich, Robert TV
to Quick
Valens, Ritchie Rec
Valenti, Jack MP
Valentino, Rudolph MP
Vallee, Rudy Radio
Valli, Virginia MP
Van Doren, Mamie MP
Van Dyke, Dick TV
Van Dyke, WS MP
Van Fleet, Jo MP
Van Patten, Dick TV N
Vance, Vivian TV
Vauge, Vera MP
Vauge, Vera Radio
Vaughan, Sarah Rec
Vaughan, Sarah Rec
Vaughn, Robert MP
Velez, Lupe MP
Venable, Evelyn MP
Vera, Billy Rec
Vera-Ellen MP
Verdugo, Elena TV
Vernon, Bobbie MP
Vidor, Charles MP
Vidor, King MP
Vinton, Bobby Rec
Von Sternberg, Josef MP
Von Stroheim, Erich MP
Von Zell, Harry Radio
to Quick
Wagner, Lindsay TV
Wagner Robert MP
Wagner, Roger Rec
Wakely, Jimmy Rec
Walker, Clint TV
Walker, Robert MP
Wallace, Mike TV
Wallace, Richard MP
Wallington, James Radio
Walsh, Raoul MP
Walston, Ray LT
Walter, Bruno Rec
Walters, Charles MP
Walthall, Henry B MP
Ward, Jay TV
Waring, Fred Radio
Waring, Fred Rec
Waring, Fred TV
Warner, HB MP
Warner, Harry MP
Warner, Jack MP
Warner, Sam MP
Warren, Diane Rec
Warrick, Ruth MP
Warwick, Dionne Rec
Waterman, Willard Radio
Watson Family The MP
Wayne, John MP
Weaver, Dennis TV
Weaver, Sigourney MP
Webb, Clifton MP
Webb, Jack Radio
Webb, Jack TV
Webb, Richard TV
Webber, Sir Andrew Lloyd LT
Weber, Lois MP
Weems, Ted Rec
Weintraub, Jerry MP
Weissmuller, Johnny TV
Welch, Raquel MP
Welk, Lawrence Rec
Welk, Lawrence TV
Welles, Orson MP
Welles, Orson Radio
Wellman, William MP
Welsh, Bill TV
West, Mae MP
Weston, Paul Rec
Wexler, Haskell MP
White, Alice MP
White, Betty TV
White, Jack MP
White, Jules MP
White, Pearl MP
Whiteman, Paul Rec
Whiteman, Paul Radio
Whiting, Barbara TV
Whiting, Margaret Rec
Whitman, Slim Rec
Whitman, Stewart MP
Whitmore, James TV
Whittinghill, Dick Radio
Widmark, Richard MP
Wilcoxon, Henry MP
Wilde, Cornel MP
Wilder, Billy MP
Wilkerson, Kassel, Tichi MP
William, Warren MP
Williams, Andy Rec
Williams, Bill TV
Williams, Billy Dee MP
Williams, Earle MP
Williams, Esther MP
Williams, Hank Rec
Williams, Joe Rec
Williams, Kathlyn MP
Williams, Paul Rec
Williams, Robin MP
Williams, Roger Rec
Williams, Tex Radio
Willock, Dave TV
Wills, Chill MP
Willson, Meredith Radio
Wilson, Carey MP
Wilson, Don Radio
Wilson, Lois MP
Wilson, Marie Radio
Wilson, Marie TV
Wilson, Marie MP
Wilson, Nancy Rec
Winchell, Paul TV
Winchell, Walter Radio
Winchell, Walter TV
Windsor, Claire MP
Windsor, Marie MP N
Wing, Toby MP
Winkler, Henry TV
Winkler, Irwin MP
Winninger, Charles Radio
Winston, Stan MP
Winterhalter, Hugo Rec
Winters, Jonathan TV
Winters, Shelley MP
Wise, Robert MP
Withers, Jane MP
Wolper, David TV
Wonder, Stevie Rec
Wong, Anna May MP
Wood, Natalie MP
Wood, Sam MP
Woodpecker, Woody MP
Woods, Donald TV
Woods, James MP
Woodward, Joanne MP
Wooley, Monty MP
Wray, Fay MP
Wright, Teresa MP
Wright, Teresa TV
Wyatt, Jane TV
Wyler, William MP
Wyman, Jane MP
Wyman, Jane TV
Wynn, Ed MP
Wynn, Ed Radio
Wynn, Ed TV
Wynn, Keenan TV
to Quick
Yoakam Dwight Rec
York, Michael MP
Young, Alan Radio
Young, Carleton Radio
Young, Clara Kimball MP
Young, Gig TV
Young, Loretta MP
Young, Loretta TV
Young, Robert MP
Young, Robert Radio
Young, Robert TV
Young, Roland MP
Young, Roland TV
Young, Victor Rec
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Zabach, Florian
Zanuck, Darryl MP
Zanuck, Richard MP
Zimbalist, Efrem Jr TV
Zinnemann, Fred MP
Zukor, Adolph MP
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