Dearest John,
Oh there are so many things I want to say to you. I want you to know how very much you mean to me.
I would've loved to have met you. I wanted to come to New York to meet you, but sadly, you were already gone before I could come there. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you. You have touched my life in so many ways, I can't even begin to count them all. All I have to do when I am feeling down is put on one of your solo songs or one of your Beatles songs, and it immediately cheers me up, and seeing your beautiful, smiling face on video or in this picture I have of you by my computer, always brings a smile to my face. I feel I am a better person because of you.
My greatest hope is when I get to Heaven, you are waiting for me.
I have had some dreams about you, and I cherish every one of them. I can actually feel your presence here in the room with me as I write this, and it feels wonderful. I just know you are reading this.
I miss you so much, it hurts. It's hard to believe you are no longer here on Earth. I still cry every December 8th, but I try not to dwell on that too much, and instead I try to focus on celebrating your life and all the wonderful gifts you gave to the world.
Oh, I have to share this with you: you were my subject in my English/Literature class. We had to do a research paper on a famous poet and/or author, and my professor allowed me to do my paper on you. It got an A! :)
Sean is doing great. He has his own musical career now . Julian is also a successful musician--he looks just like you--he's wonderful. You also won a grammy--"Gimme Some Truth: The Making Of Imagine" won for "best long form video" and it deserved it--it's extrodinary.
I want to thank you, John, for touching my life, and for all the gifts you have given to the world. You will always have a place in my heart. I love you very much.
Love Always,

Sandi Pabst

3rd July 2001