Dear John..

You have always been in my my life & around me for as long as I can remember, but you showed up on a more personal & spiritual level for me about 7 years ago...
It was a time of great confusion & failure & suddenly you were there for me "out of the blue" you came to me & blew away lifes misery! :o) Since that time i have become your friend & you have been mine in many strange & wonderful ways! I look to you for guidence & strength & I know that you are always there to give me a swift kick on the butt when I'm feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes I am guilty of asking too much of you & at this moment I am saying thank you John ...You know what for... I don't have to tell you!
I only have one grievance with you mate! Why don't you come to ME in a dream? I would so love you to do that one night..sneek into my dream & give me a cheeky smile!
I love & repect you John Lennon.
Always your friend,

Mischelle Magrin

25th August 2001