-*-Dear John-*-
I miss you and love you sooooo much! Every year on October 9, I play all my Beatles albums, watch "A Hard Days Night," "Yellow Submarine" and "HELP!" When "All You Need Is Love" "In My Life" "Revolution" and "Imagine" comes on, I cry so hard. I just wish you were here. I hope you are happy where you are now, John.
Last December 8, I cried for eight hours straight wishing you were here. I played IMAGINE over and over and over again. I must have listened to it at least 100 times!
I really love yer artwork, John. It's really gear! I went to go see it in Monterey, California, and it was great! I bought a black shirt with yer self portrait on it. When I did my biography on you, I wore the shirt. People loved my "performance." <<<I fell to the ground at the end when I "died." And guess what?¿? I got an A+ on it! My teacher was a big fan, too.
John, you have inspired me in so many ways. Because of you, I'm going to take guitar when school starts again. I also write poems, songs, stories, draw pictures. Well, I've always drawn pictures; since I was two... My dream is to someday be playing "Revolution" or "All You Need Is Love" on stage in front of millions of people...
You have also inspired me not to be a 'doormat' and stand up for myself.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us so together we can live as one!
Peace, Love, and Music!

Jessica Solomon

*Jessi Lennon*

10th August 2001