Dear John,
I'll never forget the first time I discovered, really DISCOVERED the Beatles. I was 12, and my mother made me watch`A Hard Day's Night.' I turned up my nose at it. I'd grown up listening to your music, but I never made the connection. I thought, `I've got plenty of good music to listen to.' Little did I know how wrong I was.
I fell in love instantly. That's what you were about, wasn't it? Love. I learned to love and not take things for granted. Your music touched my soul, changed my life in every way possible. You taught me how to stand up and say, `This is me. Live with it.' I grew stronger and braver as time went on. The music, your words, helped me through the hardest times of my life, cheered me up even in the happiest times, and encompassed all parts of me. I found my true love through you; writing. I developed my talent and drew inspiration from you.
Want to hear the most amazing part? You had been dead 4 years when I was born. Must be nice to change people's lives radically even when you're dead. John, you're the reason I'm a writer. I don't revere you enough to say that you're the reason I am what I am today, but you certainly played a part. A large part. I cry when December 8 comes along. You are a part of me, as you are for so many people. (You're ubiquitous, I guess. Just as in life.) I never knew you, but you did so much for me.
You weren't perfect. You weren't Zeus. You weren't always the nicest person, even. But you had a good heart, and wrote wonderful music. You were the spirit of your generation. And that spirit lives on in all who embrace it.

Jessica Easterly

19th December 2000