Got a moment?
If you do, I would like to talk to you.
Wow. Did that really just happen?
Did you really just; die?
Like that?
Please tell me it was all in my mind...
Please please please please please...
I guess not, huh?
You sure missed out on a whole lot of nothing, that's for sure.
Except... of course. Sean.
Wow, you would be so proud, John!
He turned out great! Such a cute lad, like is' daddy.
Only kidding :-)
EVERYBODY knows Paul is the cute one.
The world didn't take that very well, ya know...your death, I mean. I wasn't even around for it.
But not being on this earth the same time as you makes you seem so much more alluring.
Were you?
Really now, were you?
The way they talk, you were a god.
I bet they were on the right track.
I bet...
The guys are doing...
Oh, John!
Linda died. Breast cancer, you know. Poor Paul...
Poor Paul...
Paul is in his fifties and getting married to some ex-model... can you imagine? PAUL... in his fifties?
Ringo STILL can't sing worth beans.
And George... well. George has cancer.
Yeah, I know.
It really scares us all, the world, I mean.
We love you ALL still.
Amazing, huh?
The world really dulled down after you died...
it was like, it lost one of its own. It's like, the Beatles aren't the Beatles anymore, and peace has no meaning. Oh God.
What would I give to have been around for it all?
I'd give everything I owned. Christ, I'd give my SOUL.
Would I ?
I dunno.
The chance hasn't exactly come knocking at my door.
*laughs again*
We miss you, buddy.
Paul especially.
It really shows.
George and Ringo as well.
It hurts so bad.
*crying now*
Like knives.
Like... like fire.
Like... like... like; the Beatles aren't here anymore.And Lord knows we needed you.
it's been real...
I guess.

Elizabeth Dyment

4th September 2001