Dear John,
My name is Anna and I'm 20 year old student from Brazil. It's been a time since I heard your voice in the records of my parents and on the radio - seemed that you were always on my home for the holidays, since "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" was as certain as turkey and relatives with presents. So, when this chance to write to you came up, I didn't want to lose it. There is lots of things I would like to tell you, and here are the most important.
I want to thank you for one thing you don't know you did. I want to thank you for my life. You must be wondering what this means, well, it all starts with my parents.
The Beatles united my parents through thick and thin - the best times of their engagement days, the rough moments of a newly-wed life without much money, the bliss of the birth of their daughters - me and my sisters Tereza, Beatriz and Luiza.
And your songs - both with your band and as a solo artist - put them together, made they remember who they were and what they were actually fighting for. They will comemorate the 25th anniversary this year, and I already have the soundtrack for the occasion - I'll play "(Just Like) Starting Over" for them.
True love never dies - so all I can say is... shine on, Johnny, shine on forever!
All the best,

Anna Carolina Fagundes

7th December 2000