(click the picture above for the mp3)
Entry #23
The fun thing about bad dates is the material. This however actually never happened. Truth be told - I never went out on dates the entire year. LOL. Something about getting naked the night you meet that makes the whole "dating" thing kind of a moot point. But I thought of the play on "Cult of Personality" with Lack and a parody was born. An intern at the station, Jen (not the bumper sticker one), did the "date" for me. Ooh wait, I think I have a pic:
Ha, classic. That look is exactly the attitude that came across in the song. Heh. She's actually quite funny. She was also on the bus (without having to do anything crazy, just a perk of workin' at the station).
Actually she was a listener and I eneded up getting her an intern gig at the station. Her brother Eric also ended up interning at the station.
Anyway - great song that ended up being part of the "Day in the Life" set for 4tvs with Jess playing the lead role.

Adam: "Uh, I'll have the Chicken Parmigion"
Date: "I'll have water"
Adam: "No, get whatever you want, I'm payin'"
Date: "No, just water"
Adam: "K, uh, so, so whaddya do for fun?"
Date: "Nothing"
Adam: "Yeah, yeah me too, 'cause, hard day at work...oh! Where do you work?"
Date: "Polaris"
Adam: "Oh that's gotta be awesome, all the bands, and free concerts ad stuff?"
Date: "I'm a parking attendent"
Adam: "Oh yeah, that's rough. Uhm, so, so what kind of music do you like?"
Date: "I don't like music"
Adam: "OK..."
Look in her eyes, what do I see,
A lack of personality,
Went out to dinner, I fell asleep,
It's more interesting to count sheep,
Oh it's a lack of personality,
Lack of personality,
Lack of personality,
Rented JFK, she said, "Who's Kennedy?"
A lack of personality,
Lack of personality,
Lack of personality,
When I look deep into her eyes,
I see a deer in my headlights,
I'd rather break my fu**in' nose,
Than speak with her, God only knows,
Went to the bedroom, well that was,
Well, there was no lack of sexuality,
But that's unfulfilling, at least for me,
If that's all you can do then leave! (in an hour),
That's a lack of personality,
Lack of personality,
Lack of personality,
I get calls all day, my pager beeps,
She must enjoy watching me sleep,
I'd rather scoop out both my eyes,
Than speak with her, she makes me cry,
It's a true lack of personality...
"So uh, will I see you again?"