- 4:57 AM, Sunday,
May 12th, 2002:
- I didn't think it
was possible. I was sure there was no way in hell Yoda
could be a badass. Yes, "Star Wars Blew", but Episode
2 most certainly did not... In fact, it was AWESOME.
But wait, it's Sunday morning! How did you....wait!
Where did you get that picture!!! That shot has never
been on the net!!!
- Heh, Well, as was
the case in 1999, I was able to see Star Wars Episode
2 before the general public. Of course this time, it
wasn't necessarily the most legal of means. But come
on, they advertised on E! that bootlegs were online,
like I wasn't gonna at least LOOOOOK for
- LOL.
- So after a day of
searching and downloading 1.5 GIGS of files, Jess,
Paddy and I sat down to watch the first half of
Episode 2 at 11 PM Saturday night, (followed by
the second half at 3:30 AM). And the overall feeling
is a resounding: "FINALLY!". It's just perfect...for a
Star Wars movie. Dialogue does seem staggered a bit by
even veteran actors like McGregor and Jackson, but
it's "Jedi speak". They all talk in over analytical
sentences as if "proclaiming" each sentence. And in
time they start forming their sentences backwards
(ahem-yoda). LOL. But that's Star Wars. Get used to
it. And actually, some of the early dialogue between
Anakin and Obi-wan is downright great. What kicks ass
the most is nearly every line, every action, every
twist foreshadows what's coming in 3, and of course
4-6. All balanced perfectly with early action scenes
and snippets of a love story. The first part of the
movie is extremely well balanced. There are other
reviews to the contrary, but I wholeheartedly
disagree. There's a wealth of info to touch upon, and
the pacing is awesome. And then comes the second
- Absolutely
exhilerating. So many cool things, I can't even begin.
I completely lost myself in it. Strange considering
it's a washed out mpg on my computer screen. I can't
wait to se it again in the theatre. I can't remember
the last time I liked a movie this much. In my book it
is a very, very close 2nd to Empire, and maybe upon
another viewing of that - it's better. Of course it's
a "better" movie because of how shitty Episdoe 1 was.
By default it gets a great review because of that. But
even on its own, it's a really well paced movie. The
interweaving plots leave you hanging at JUST the right
place - BRING ON EPISODE 3. It's very
much like Empire in that sense: A briliant set-up for
all that has to take place in Episode III. God it
- Now I know some
people have said this makes the 1st one better, but
you know what - no. LOL. It feels like a missed
opportunity to me. Maybe with Lucas's over-zealous
controlling nature, he'll go back and fix the first
one. I know I was able to with my edit last year. He
could probably put together a "redux" and make us all
- So now the
question is: "Will it beat Spiderman? Well, I actually
don't even think it's possible because of Spiderman's
share of theatres now. It'll still be holding down
quite a few come Thursday and I can almost guarantee
Star Wars won't beat Spidey'sopening weekend. But in
the long run? It has to. It's simply a better movie
than Spiderman. Spiderman's return business has to be
pretty nill. I know I'm 1 of about 4 people in this
country that felt Spiderman was mediocre, but even
those who enjoyed it, aren't really compelled to see
it again until it hits DVD. Who knows. It'll be a war
for sure.
- For now, I will
finish burning this puppy to DVD, and tonight watch it
on TV. Then Thursday I get to see it in the infamous
Mann's Chineese...wait - how 'bout
I show you where I'm seeing it
opening day:

- I'm actually
seeing it at noon AND 7 PM that day. So don't get on
my case for downloadin' this George. Anyone who would
spend 17 hours downloading it, is already seeing the
thing like 5 times... Anyway, I'm selling my extra
tickets to the 7 PM show on ebay and made this
little graphic. Yes, I've become a total ebay whore.
Shaddup. LOL.
- So I know what
you're thinking. What on earth is gonna be this
entry's video. Well, I hate to say this - but a
gigantic spoiler. Not so much a plot twist, but just
some badass shit, that if you're a Star Wars fan,
you'll wanna save this puppy for the bigscreen. Of
course if you're like me you just wanna see it now. I
remember hearing about this little dooooozy a year ago
and was laughing at how bad it sounded. Yoda kickin'
ass? Wielding a lightsaber? Are you kidding? Has Lucas
lost his mind? Well, that still remains to be seen,
but this is most definitely cool as hell. So I leave
it to you... "To Download, or not to
- Choose,
- Adam
- original
video file