Minialaur Explanation

With the exception of 408 and 409, the following 9 entries barely belong in "The Journey". They are part of a seperate story that got bigger than originally thought. It is a story that I'm not particularly proud of. I certainly don't revel in my cuckolding ways (this happened in 1998, the infamous 'Palaur'), I once again thought I could help someone in a bad situation.
I look anything but "good" in these entries, but it is a bit of insight to how my head and heart work. Although I'd like nothing more than to erase many of the things I said within, I just don't do that with The Journey. I report what happens, and oftentimes I look unflattering. Such is life. There's some great songs in here, and it really is quite fun to read if you're not related and/or married to me. Wow, that's a poor placement of and/or isn't it? No, I never married someone I was related to...
I can't completely blame 408 and 409 on this "alaur" as I'm still highly considering this route in life as of early June 2005. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life and can see giving it all up and doing a huge adventure just as reasonably as anything. But she was absolutely the catalyst for me to even dream of that, so it is included as part of the story.
Finally, the last entry of the month kind of wraps up how things turned out if you get to the end of this mini-story and think - HUH? Yeah, that's pretty much how it ended. A big HUH, but I put it in perspective at the end of the month. Enjoy, depending on your perspective it may be the best thing you've read in The Journey thus far...