- Marty, sorry to hear that you might need to move back, are you sure you need
- too. Janet and I are wondering if maybe someone there in the complex might
- need a room-mate, or a cheap motel to tie you over until you might be able to
- work things out. Get creative, put your mind to work and see what you come
- up with.
- Dad and Janet
- Well.. Adam.. good luck! Hope things work out... Sorry things suck!!
- Jim
- Man.... I could never top that adam.... good luck on the job hunt.
- Chris (Downtown Connection)
- Well your trip is certainly an adventure now. Its too bad bad I am in
- college, otherwise loaning you money would be no problem. If you need
- anything let me know and I will see what I can do.
- Fred
- Hey Adam & Jess...
- Man, what a totally depressing email. You sound like you can use
- some words of encouragement. So here's a few, I hope they help.
- Jess: you're one of the most ballsy, no-nonsense women I've ever met
- (and this was an impression formed in the space of a mere 3 hours).
- It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than a little adversity to bring
- you down. Yeah, Lalaland ain't Columbus oHIo, but you struck me as
- someone who could make Country Time fresh-squeezed out of the most
- dried up old lemon (such as that old-lemon-colored refrigerator, for
- instance).
- Adam: you may or may not have read the review I put up on
- listen.com, so let me just reiterate some of the more salient parts.
- Now, mind you, despite having some experiece in music and theater,
- I'm a much better... oh, what's the word for it... impresario, I
- think... than a performer, which means I know pure unadulterated
- talent when I see it. If the rest of the entertainment business is
- Mad Dog 20/20, you're fuckin' Dom Perignon 1929. You're the most
- original and talented performer I've ever seen in my life. Your
- creativity is amazing, your voice is gorgeous, and your act is great.
- Just keep honing your instrument, and never forget what a great woman
- you've got by your side; she'll see you through a world of adversity,
- I guaran-fuckin-tee it.
- So, from the bottom of the heart of a woman who decided to make music
- her hobby rather than her profession, I know you're going to make it.
- It won't be easy, but the things worth having never come easy. These
- next few months are going to be hell, but just remind yourself what
- great material they'll make for your next new set! I wish I had some
- contacts I could hook you up with, but the best I could do would be
- to put you in touch with a scientist (which probably won't do you any
- good). It's a crazy world out there in LA, so never lose sight of
- your midwestern sensibility and indestructibility -- just keep
- reminding yourself that you're made of tougher stuff than those
- sun-drenched boob-jobbed wannabes, and that in the end, you will
- prevail.
- Someone in Illinois who's pulling for you as much as she can from
- 2000 miles away,
- Mickey
- Things sound pretty bad. Definately not the plan. So there is no way to get
- Marty on the list then? Don't know what to say. Maybe he could live in the
- trailer...
- Stephen
- Adam,
- Sorry to hear about Moose, man.
- If I had some extra cash, I'd send it
- down. Interesting about the Fridge though...
- Don't know if you're religious or not, but
- hey...I'd take that as a gift from God.
- The Lord will provide...
- Rich
- PS...And yes, Landlords are fucking pieces of shit.
- Same EXACT situation happened to me in Buffalo NY about
- 10 years ago.
- Adam...
- Mickey Blake just sent out a cookie jar.
- Get me your address, brother.
- I'll throw some cash to you.
- Rich Henn
- http://www.timespell.com
- Adam & Jessica,
- I got your e-mail about the refrigerator. That leakage you wrote about may
- be the reason it was thrown out. If I was a doctor, and the refrigerator
- was a patient, I'd go ahead and call the priest. (An old man's attempt at
- humor...please excuse.) I'll have to get used to you in a new time zone.
- It's a little wierd. Please feel free to make more videos. Kenny is really
- enjoying it. I've been saving them and even backing them up on disks. (I'm
- on the second one already, and I don't have much room left on it.) More
- later...
- Love, Dad
- Adam,
- I wish I could send more encouragemnet your way. I've already said that you
- have ambition and persistence in spades. Just don't lose faith or vision of
- the bigger picture. Good luck, Adam. There's A LOT of people here pulling
- for you. You're kinda fullfilling dreams that a lot of people never had the
- balls to follow. For that fact alone, you're already a hero.
- You don't have to respond. I understand how busy you are. Just know that
- we're thinking of you.
- --Andrea
- P.S. When are you sending your new address?
- You've got balls man, but I also think you've got what it takes.
- I'm sure you know that someone on the e-mail list is trying to set up a
- little donation jar for you. That's a great idea, but I just don't send
- money to some random person, no matter how good the cause. If you want to
- give me your address out there, I'd be more than happy to lend you as much
- of a hand as I can.
- I'm living one of my dreams vicariously through you, so I want you to
- succeed probably almost as much as you do. But you have to eat to live, and
- live to succeed, so I'd like to help you out.
- -Greg
- Adam...
- Chin up, bucko... As the old worn out cliche says: "it's always darkest
- before the dawn."
- Hey, what's your new address??
- Eric (TVN Fan Member #15)
- Ashtabula, Ohio
- Hey, this is Ben. You remember, the guy who was going to build you that
- computer. I'm sorry to hear about your luck man. I just wanted to let you and
- Jess know that my prayers are with you man. Keep in touch.
- hey adam what's up over there. well I guess you could be better. well, I thought about this and I'm sure someother then
- me have thought too. that well. since you live an adventure that we all like in our life. so in part we are living it also with
- you. well anyways I have been following and well... honestly I just want it to be a sucess! well here's the thing, the people
- on your mailing list and me are more then likely to have a few bucks in our pockets. well I can get it to you by check or
- something but... yeah anyways just an idea well man, untill you post again this is alex saying "laterz"
- What's up back here? Well as promised I'm still trying for you. A friend,
- David Bolon, knows Marty's brother (or Dad). He aske Dave if he could help
- Marty and you (apparently not aware of Jess). Dave asked me if I had heard of
- you. I fell off my chair pumped you up like the next superstar and gave him
- one of the few remaining discs. His brother Tom (tim, he goes by both) has a
- huge hook-up in L.A. I believe a high up label best friend. I'll keep
- throwing you at Tim and he'll help you- he's a great guy and trusts my word
- and taste. I'll let you know.
- Scott