YES! West Virginia karma strikes again!
Seriously, guy, sorry about that. Why don't you try Super gluing it on for
another three months?
Not sure if I'm serious or not,
So, I get to draw you like that with half a tooth in the comic book?
Hey, man...that sucks ass. No two ways about it.
So are you going to wait or fix it? I know dentistry can't
be cheap in that whore town.
You know what really REALLY unnerved me (no pun intended) about
this message...and I SWEAR I'm not making this up.
Two night ago I woke up in the middle of the night from a really
disturbing dream. Once you read Timespell, you'll see why I just
don't sleep well at night.
ANYWAY...I dreamed that my teeth were falling out. Except that the big
issue was one of my front teeth had gone dead and fell out, leaving this
really long expossed nerve dangling from the roof of my mouth.
I tried to fit the tooth back into place and it just wouldn't work.
When I woke up, I was so unerved by the nightmare, I got up, went to the
bathroom and looked in the mirror, and actually began TAPPING my teeth
to make sure everything was okay.
Two words: Crazy Glue.
I vaguely remember an Indian named Joe Charboneau who, in the minors, managed
to gash himself (something about the effects of too much beer in a cheap
motel room without putting the bottles out of the way) and ended up doing his
own sutures. With monofiliment fishing line. Good thing he was already
When he made it to the majors, of course, he could afford to have the sutures
done by union-provided cosmetically-attractive Swedish female doctors.
Unfortunately, you haven't made it to the majors yet. (And I'm wondering
about the appropriate union card that you might or might not have for work in
California). Open wide, clean with something like alcohol, and keep your
tongue and the inside of your cheeks from touching the tooth until the epoxy
has cured. And if you do have any beer-related accidents, Crazy Glue is a
wonderful form of emergency suture too. Compared to monofiliment fishing
Hey dude, wanna send a copy of that vid to my email addy? That was freakin
hillarious dude. I dig that you're enjoying you're new digital camcorder and
all, but... you really didn't have to go breaking your teeth. Sorry dude, it
sounds really painful. So, how exactly are you going to get that one
straightened out? I guess I'll talk to you later. Make sure to send me a copy
of that flick. Thanks dude. 
It can't be good to leave it like that...If there are any goofy bits you want
to do right acting like you are breaking a tooth off....i don't




Breast implants might lend a new twist to 4TVs..
Thats a buzzkill about your tooth... the same thing happened to mine in my in
my grandma's pool when i was a kid too. Kinda weird eh? Well my advice to
you is to record a couple of sets right now with the the tooth out. they
could be comedy or country (which to me is comedy) and you could make fun of
the fact that you are from Ohio. Everyone knows comedey's ripp on
themselves, so try it for a set or too. And if anyone asks about your tooth
just explain that you had the dentist ripp off the old cap so that you could
do a couple of hillbilly sets. That'll show devotion and hopefully you'll
get a couple good sets from it too. Just an idea
O Gush-hope you spell it that way- I see you're in bad mood and i 'll
try to make you laugh so i'll send you two of my sily creations...
Hope your tooth wou'nt hurt more after...but i think you're curous to
hear some stuff from Romania...
I'm near your problem;here 200 $ is a big monthly earn ,and working
daily butwe are in a no man's land the life is beutifull and the inconscience
Be strong and as P.Gabriel say:"Don't give up"
PS.The message come back because my songs 8MB were to large.I'll try to
fix this problem and to send em later...
(Ovidiu is from Romania. Heard my stuff on He's very inspirational to me...)