Nice to hear from you all again. Have fun, be careful, and "Go For It".
Call or write often. When the phone rang tonight and it was Marty, I thought
he was calling to see if he could use the car. HA HA HA, mess you buddy, but
I know you will make it sure to contact my friend in la
Dad and Janet
howdy clyde
you guys are cruisin! i'm glad to hear that all is going well and the
snow didn't cramp your style. eileen and i went hiking in the mountains
yesterday and got caught in a huge snowstorm. we were only 40 miles away
from seattle, and while we were driving through a foot of snow, seattle
was enjoying partly cloudy skies and no precipitation whatsoever. crazy.
take it easy and good luck. i'll be thinking about you.
hey adam, here it is january third, and if you were still in columbus, you still would have had tornado
watches... strange weather we are having it is probably 65 degrees, and its damn near 3am???? good luck,
and keep us informed
Hey, guys!
I'm so excited for you guys. How thrilling! I hope that in a few months I'll be making a move like that, not to california but
maybe North Carolina. Anyway, thanks for making me part of your mailing to all your fans. Cause, I am a fan, just with
more interest in your well being than the next guy. Any way. It's crazy to me to see that you guys are in fucking new
mexico! Wild and wonderful!
Well, I'll see ya. Stay safe and let me know if I can help you two. Love ya.
Hey Adam!
Just wanted to say hello as you make your trek across the country!
Sorry I didn't repsond any sooner...I was in Europe and then the I haven't been near a computer in about 4 weeks.
I wanted to wish you lots of good luck on your journey...and I hope you're
saving all these emails you send to us...what a testament of your
experience...and one day when you're big and famous you can put them in your
biography or something cool like that!
Okay..I'm at the Dispatch (working here again) I must do some work!
My best to all three of you guys...
sounds like quite an adventure. i talked to my cousin frank today, the
one who claims you ate his french fries or something to that extent, and he
said he loves your emails. he doesnt even know you that well but he finds
them really funny. he's a comedy writer.
say hi to jess, marty, and j-dog for me.
Take care,