3:13 PM, Monday, April 14th, 2016:
Earlier in the year when Bowie died I wrote about his releasing an album of new material and dying two days later really "redefined an exit." In a sense Kobe just did that last night, but "redefine" doesn't cover it really because part of us expected it and hoped for it to happen. So he didn't REdefine it, he DEFINED it and put an exclamation point on it.
Now, the Warriors winning 73 and Kobe's last game were both last night and guess which one I tried to get tickets to? The Warriors. To me, that was far more impressive than what was sure to be a sad farewell of what used to be. I want to remember Kobe hitting 50 at will, not getting 17 on 6 for 25 shooting and waving and crying to the crowd. I remember Jordan's last game and it actually made me angry...
...however, the tickets on stub-hub for the Warriors skyrocketed before I could hit ENTER and I ended up watching both games at the same time and truthfully? Couldn't resist watching Kobe on the big screen and the Warriors on my phone. That tiny part of me thought just maybe he would go apeshit and I had to see it even if he was a gunslinger missing everything...
...uhm, he wasn't. He actually scored SIXTY. In fact his second half performance was one of the finest... he's EVER had? Am I typing that? He goes 15-30 and scores 38 in the second half, 23 in the 4th quarter alone where not only was he 50% he made the last 5 buckets to overcome a FIFTEEN POINT DEFICIT and hit the game winner.
It's not like they were giving it to him in fact, multiple times in the 4th quarter I'm yelling: "DUDE WHY ARE YOU DOUBLING HIM COME ON." There were exactly ZERO open looks. It was like going ten years into the past and I loved, every, fucking, second. He hit the go-ahead bucket and they cut to Shaq in the crowd and he's DUMBFOUNDED. I've never seen anything like it. Granted, taking 50 shots (3 shots under .500) for the game is ridiculous but at his age? Playing 42 out of 48 minutes? Unreal. Jordan had 5 60+ games, this broke that tie, Kobe now has 6. Fuckouttahere he just did that on his LAST GAME.
...and before you even say it, of course it's his last game. His body proved to him it is unreliable. With that much wear and tear every day you play a professional sport is more than likely the day you get seriously, seriously injured. Which is why the past 3 years he's never been really able to ramp up to form because you have to beware of longevity. Last night was like a Legends game where it just didn't matter because it wasn't happening again... but they did win. Granted, it was meaningless but man just to feel a 15 point comeback with Kobe hitting EVERYTHING at the end... absolutely unbelievable. So, much, fun.
Cam watched the first half with me... or should I say Cam just watched a spattering of seconds while dancing and then eventually going to bed. But when he gets older he can say he remembers watching Kobe's last game because of this video:
Oh and, uhm, we don't drug our children and wait for them to fall asleep - we just found out Cameron's LIFELONG eczema is due to his allergy... to...
Fuck. A 5 out of 6 on the allergy scale or some shit. Awful news. We're slowly trying to alleviate as much as possible before we do anything drastic. Ugh. Anyway, I'm glad I could at least have ONE unlocked entry this month. This may be Lockedville for quite awhile.