7:12 PM, Sunday, November 11th, 2012:
Ya know, I was gonna let it go until she wrote this...
"Also are you aware that the white male is now the minority in America. Maybe your don't care about that but it has now flip flopped. I believe in a society who works hard and is rewarded by profit. Not to have a part of that profit given to a government that turns around and gives it to people on hand outs. I was in line at a gas station on Crenshaw the day after the election and two black women in line in front of me with missing teeth high-fived each other and said "We did it! Obama...woohoo. We can keep getting our foodstamps".
And now? She gets an entry. This vapid, racist, arrogant, pushy and BELLIGERENT anti-intellectual will be "outed". I was really done with politics for a bit until that goddamned mess of sentences. So now I tell the tale...
As many of you know, Facebook for me has always been a marketing tool for career stuff and in turn, I'm now stuck with thousands of friends for no goddamned reason. Yes, I miss out on a lot of my real friend's status/news updates but I also get a remarkable cross-section of personalities that I would otherwise not interact with. On my news feed I see a status (which I can't post here because I was blocked) from a woman named Patricia Scheer who was interviewing for a job to be a flight attendant for a private jet, but once Obama was elected the CEO could no longer afford to hire her because of Obamacare. I replied: "Hmmm, that's interesting since it hasn't been enacted yet." That was really all I was going to write. So done arguing politics. I immediately get this message from her:
And I really was done. Too much stupid in that message to even start. She, however, was not finished.
Priceless. Considering this was 2 days after an election where these "facts" clearly got bitch-slapped, I had to respond...
And then the response that my friends thought was a blonde joke when I reposted it on my wall...
<shakes head>
Believe it or not, I actually didn't get snarky here. I calmly explained that the "insurance mandate" that Obamacare is based on is an idea the Republicans came up with... Romney ended up instituting in Massachusetts it with great success... but was then BLOCKED by her and my message failed to go through. Oh well. I moved on. Even though the "No republican would call it Obamacare" was <facepalm> comedy gold, I resisted the urge to write an entry as I was done writing about politics for awhile on The Journey.
Then the next day, I'm unblocked and WHAMMO:
Ugh. Now I want to block HER. LOL. But again, I don't respond. Not getting any attention clearly annoyed her...
Where do you start? The fact that she's still using the 47% talking point that even Romney tried to run from because it's so ignorant? Do you bring up that the CBO says Obamacare actually saves money, doesn't cost money? Do you bring up the Planned Parenthood line's audacity considering Romney said he would shut it down? If you even believe it, do you bring up the overt racism in her "Crenshaw" story? Do you explain that people qualify for food stamps, the president doesn't issue them? Do you explain that ALL males are in the minority, not just white? I mean if you cut everyone up by race AND gender we're all minorities. Do you realize that women named Patricia are also in the minority? (sigh)
And the biggest problem I have with all of this? The fervor of her ignorance. It's not enough for people to just be ignorant anymore. No, they are now armed with the ability to LINK! Link to MOVIES! They still can't write a coherent fucking sentence. Grammar? Sounds GERMAN, fuck that! Spelling? American COLE? Seriously? COLE!??!?! Does this woman not realize that the reason I won't respond to her is because I don't respect her enough to participate in the conversation. I mean, when the only point I bring up is the fact (yes, fact) that the basis for Obamacare was a Republican idea and her reply is "No it wasn't. No republican would call it Obamacare, You really are uneducated." - does she think my lack of a response means she just "won" that point? Is that how it works when you're a moron? When someone comes back at me with a "fact", I look it up. Immediately. I could absolutely be wrong, so I do a little research. If you look up whether Obamacare was a Republican idea, you'll get 3 million hits. Why? Because it's so widely reported you can't even find an article REFUTING it. How do you avoid figuring that fact out?
Then again, if you CAN'T SPELL, maybe research is difficult.
<rolls eyes>
Anyway, I made this entry for one reason: the race card. You let them go long enough? This is usually what it comes down to:
"Also are you aware that the white male is now the minority in America. Maybe your don't care about that but it has now flip flopped. I believe in a society who works hard and is rewarded by profit. Not to have a part of that profit given to a government that turns around and gives it to people on hand outs. I was in line at a gas station on Crenshaw the day after the election and two black women in line in front of me with missing teeth high-fived each other and said "We did it! Obama...woohoo. We can keep getting our foodstamps".


It's impossible to be as stupid (and I do mean stupid) as Patricia Scheer is without also being racist or sexist or "religulous". You have to have a core of something that makes you ignore FACTS. We aren't born ignoring facts, someone has to instill an agenda somewhere. Some fundamental belief that your religion is better, or your RACE is better, or SOMMMMMMMMMMMETHING... because when you come to the table without that base agenda? You can't possibly fall for this shit. Without that agenda? You just don't care. There are still anti-intellectuals, this isn't true of all people that aren't fact-geeks... but they don't GET IN YOUR FACE ABOUT IT. They play with their matchbox cars and are generally far happier than the rest of us. Throw in a little fear? Scare 'em a bit? And you suddenly have Patricia Scheer. But fuck feeling sorry for her, because the SARAH PALIN FERVOR of her idiocy is revolting. The lack of self-awareness at her own skillset is nauseating. At a certain age you should know "I suck at 'TEH gramMURH', so I'm gonna lay off the long-winded diatribes about how fucking much I know until I have time to OPEN A BOOK." And man, we may have dodged a bullet with Palin in '08 but I'm tellin' you, that shit is gonna happen in my lifetime. Some dipshit, hillbilly, reality-star is going to get into power because people like her TITS. And because the other guy is "STRONGLY SOCIALISTIC!". For fuck's sake.
Entry #1286 is a warning. Vote in the mid-terms, America. I don't care what party you vote for (I seriously mean that), but demand INTELLIGENCE. Because if we continue to vote in these absolute dip-tards, Honey-Boo-Boo will be president.
And I don't mean to again avoid the work of making a video rant but I did this EXACT issue a year ago. "Age of Unenlightenment".
I know there's an angle for a talk show somewhere in these rants. But I'm so anti-politics that I can't imagine that being a JOB. The whole thing is nauseating to me.
Anyway,  I think I'll link Patty-Boo-Boo to this entry.