- As
I mentioned in the last entry this entire series
is really 4 half hour episodes for TV... but, clearly
that's not very internet friendly. So it does kinda
mess with the rhythm of everything. Ideally, when you
happen upon the site, you are able to run through 7 or
8 episodes. That will give you a good feel for how it
will work, and have you anticipating the next one. I'm
not so sure that happens on this first real episode.
And in actuality, this was Episode 2 and 3, but
I merged them together so we could get to the
meat of the series sooner. Most episodes are 5
- The 3D pyramid was
one of those things you think of and jump with joy,
and 75 hours later wish you had never thought of.
Although by the end, I did find enough short cuts
to be able to pull off each transition in around 2
hours... there's still 38 transitions in the series.
You do the math. Most of the time when you see
transitions like this, they're a form of
"plug-in" already loaded into the program. Well,
not here folks. It was just painstaking animation for
things most people won't even notice (ie the flying
squares change as they zoom to the next level with
scores/rank). And damn, don't sound effects rock?
Wooshes make every mediocre effect seem just a little
bit snazzier. Giddy up. Oh and speaking of
- Should've
mentioned this the last entry...
- My
very first CG object. I had to find a
program, and learn it from scratch to make
that spinning ball a reality. It may seem
simple to all of you (and now that
I know how to do it, it is), but it
felt like walking into an airplane cockpit
and having to land it. Thankfully
I was able to pull it off and I have
to say, it's the icing on the cake.
Something about that simple movement
on-screen at all times adds a touch of
professionalism that a flat object
would've lacked. Again, one of those ideas
you get in your head that you can't move
forward without completing.
- ...my
head anyway.
- As for the two
games housed within, freaking Tyson....
- I'm already
getting beaten at my own game, right off the bat,
first friggin' game of the entire series... and he
does my make-up at the same time.
- I had to laugh at
the showmanship of it, but I can't tell you how
badly you want to perform well, knowing this was
really "it". Thankfully, the editor in me has no ego,
and was happy to make me look the fool. Yes, Cameron
edited this. :-) Good shit.
- In the second
game, that first play is really a sign of things to
come. THAT is four square and honestly, that's why
I merged Episodes 2 & 3. For the first "game
playing" episode, I had to have a play in there that
showed the rhythm of the sport. THe problem with some
of the earlier games is that it's clear who the new
people are. As we progress, the level of play ratchets
up exponentially and it's really gripping. Thankfully,
the personalities hold the whole thing together, and
even though the level of competition may not be top
notch in the first couple of episodes, some of the
shit that happens between players is just classic. And
for the record, Jefe really is 50 (now 51). We should
all be so lucky to play so well in our 50s.
- Alright, so
I hope that gives everyone a feel for how things
will go. As far as I'm concerned, the series really
starts next week when we're introduced to the one and
only JT. The man you swear must be playing a
character... unless you actually come to my house on
Sundays and play with him when the cameras aren't
there. I wouldn't be half as excited about this
series if it wasn't for JT. And JT and the model
together? Gold. Pure gold.
- Game on. Happy
- Adam